Newly Obtained American Silver Eagle with a story and questions

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Jeepfreak81, Jan 22, 2022.

  1. John Burgess

    John Burgess Well-Known Member

    I always come back to this post about toning and the colors. clearly the holder wasn't air tight, but it's no surprise really air tites aren't air tight even. toning began at the edges. I'd say the surface it was on offgassed (maybe a glue or a dye or something, and affected the reverse that was closer to that surface, more than the obverse that was face up.

    Looks like the toning is pretty thick at this point, still safe and not terminal but thick enough to be heading towards terminal I think being in the magenta to purple wavelengths.

    Anyways. I like it. probably would show even better if pictures were taken trying to highlight the colors. I feel like there likely a light gold to amber over the entire silver surface of the coin that isn't captured in these pictures well. the "spotting" is likely just spots in the toning that we see on various coins, just the color is so subtle it looks "milky".

    Thanks for sharing!
    Jeepfreak81 likes this.
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  3. Jeepfreak81

    Jeepfreak81 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info! I suspect the printed card in the showpak is what caused the toning more on one side, the way the plastic is formed the coin sits further to one side, meaning it's not on center with the paper card.
    John Burgess likes this.

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    The toning seen on that coin is pretty much typical in regard to color, location and pattern. And while the packaging could easily have played a part, I once took 2 rolls of new AGEs, put them all in Ait-Tites, then put them all in a sealed Tupperware container. Then I just stored them in drawer in my dresser - doing nothing else to limit or control toning. Within a few months 30 of the coins had begun to develop toning of the same color, location and pattern. Point is, the packaging isn't necessary for toning like that to develop on these.

    And of you watch auctions for AGEs you'll see similar toning on many of them as well.
    Jeepfreak81 likes this.
  5. john65999

    john65999 Well-Known Member

    funny you post this, i just found 2- in my ceceased father's collection of odds and ends, did not know he had any coins (after he gave me all his when i was 8-12 yrs old) all silver, gold etc i thought was long gone, but still come the surprises (at least welcome ones!!) 272334185_302796478574694_2602652644108964074_n.jpg 272404183_3017023711882135_5569169172553448932_n.jpg 272557264_3163052690686096_2347812488053987508_n.jpg 272701569_491004845728525_8334965215495002225_n.jpg
    -jeffB and Jeepfreak81 like this.
  6. Jeepfreak81

    Jeepfreak81 Well-Known Member

    Oh neat, I always find it interesting to see LCC stuff out in the world. This is a small town of only about 7000 people so it's kinda cool to see the impact on the businesses we have here.
    -jeffB likes this.
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