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Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Rockymountaincoin, Sep 8, 2024.

  1. I picked this up on a whim . I am unsure of exactly what it is. 'i know, I know...'
    Anyhow trying to move away from one field of collecting into ancients. Any help is greatly appreciated
    img (11).jpeg img (12).jpeg
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  3. philologus_1

    philologus_1 Supporter! Supporter

    Defintely Seleucid. And it seems to me to have been an issue of Antiochus VIII with his portrait.

    BTW: Including the diameter and weight is always hugely helpful for attributing from a photo. I'm guessing it is between 18-20 mm.

    This link should take you to MANY similar examples:
    Rockymountaincoin likes this.
  4. I was looking at another Antiochos VIII I was reading about. Interesting coin. I love it. Wish it had been in better shape.
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