New Smallest Coin - Greek Fractional Coinage

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Milo W, Jul 9, 2024.

  1. Milo W

    Milo W Member

    My new smallest coin! Picked this guy up at a show for $30, not too bad, and in pretty good shape for it’s size.
    (On a 1838 5 Francs coin)

    Tetartemorion (Possibly even a hemitetartemorian, it seems slightly underweight for a Tetartemorion - not sure though!)
    Cebrene/Kebren, Troas
    400-350 BC
    0.13 grams
    Ram facing right, KEBP below
    Quadripartite Incuse Mark

    Quarter for scale

    Let me know what you think, and feel free to show any of your Greek fractional coins as well!
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  3. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Frame it in a 3x5 before you loose it
    Milo W and derkerlegand like this.
  4. derkerlegand

    derkerlegand Well-Known Member

    Don't sneeze.
    Milo W likes this.
  5. cmezner

    cmezner do ut des Supporter

    You did a really good deal. Got this one in May, it was a bit pricier than yours:

    AR Archaic Tetratemorion
    Ionia, Ephesus; ca. 500-420 BC

    5mm, 0.164 g, 3h
    Klein 370; SNG Kayan 126; Karwiese Series IV
    Ob.: Anepigraphic. Bee
    Rev.: Ε Φ Eagle's head to right

    Picture courtesy HJB:

    Bee as a symbol appears very early in the development of ancient Greek coinage. In particular, on coins of Ephesus, which adopted the bee as its civic emblem.
    There are nearly a thousand different known types of bee-and-stag coins from Ephesus, and unpublished new varieties appear frequently.
    Bees have two pairs of wings, but ancient representations of the bee, as viewed from above, typically only show one pair.

    The honeybee (Apis mellifera) is native to the lands around the Mediterranean Sea, and domestication of the honeybee as a pollinator was vital for the growth of many fruit crops in the region. It was so valued that the hieroglyph for “bee” was used as the symbol for the ruler of Lower Egypt.

    The bee disappears from Ephesian coinage after Ephesus becomes part of the Roman empire.
  6. Milo W

    Milo W Member

    That show had some crazy deals, mostly from Tiber Numismatics - I got 8 quite nice ancients for $200! Also, your Ephesus coin is awesome! An Ephesus silver bee is definitely a bucket list coin.
    SorenCoins and cmezner like this.
  7. SorenCoins

    SorenCoins Well-Known Member

    Wow! I've never seen a Greek coin so small! How cool.
  8. Milo W

    Milo W Member

    They can get pretty small! I saw ones at the show that were a third the size of this one, but they were too small to see any detail so I settled for this one
    SorenCoins likes this.
  9. -monolith-

    -monolith- Supporter! Supporter

    Here are several of my small Greek fractions:

    lot 108.jpg
    Province, City: Aeolis (Aiolis), Kyme (Cyme)
    Denomination: AR Tetartemorion
    Mint: Kyme (Cyme) (480 – 450 BC)
    Size: 7mm x 7mm
    Weight: 0.16 g
    Obverse: Head of horse, left; astragalos below
    Reverse: Stellate floral pattern with eight petals within round incuse
    References: Unpublished (left); BMCG -; SNG Cop -; SNG von Aulock -; Klein -; SNG Kayhan -

    LOT 201.jpg
    Province, City: Caria, Kasolaba
    Denomination: AR Hemiobol
    Mint: Kasolaba (450 - 400 BC)
    Size: 7mm x 7mm
    Weight: 0.38 g
    Obverse: Youthful male head, right; monograms in left and right fields
    Reverse: Rams head, right
    References: Unpublished; BMCG -; SNG Cop -; SNG von Aulock -; Klein -; SNG Kayhan -

    LOT 245.jpg

    Province, City: Caria, Uncertain Mint D
    Denomination: AR Hemiobol
    Mint: Uncertain Mint (450 - 400 BC)
    Size: 7mm x 7mm
    Weight: 0.40 g
    Obverse: Confronted foreparts of two bulls
    Reverse: Forepart of bull, left; star between hooves
    References: Unpublished; BMCG -; SNG Cop -; SNG von Aulock -; Klein -; SNG Kayhan -

    lot 123.jpg
    Province, City: Ionia, Miletos
    Denomination: AR Trihemiobol
    Mint: Miletos (Late 6th – Early 5th Century BC)
    Size: 10mm x 10mm
    Weight: 1.16 g
    Obverse: Forepart of lion right, with head turned back and open jaws
    Reverse: Stellate pattern within incuse square
    References: SNG von Aulock 2082; SNG Kayhan 476-482

    LOT 221.jpg
    Province, City: Ionia, Miletos or Caria, Mylasa
    Denomination: AR Trihemitartemorion
    Mint: Miletos or Mylasa (Late 6th – Early 5th Century BC)
    Size: 5mm x 5mm
    Weight: 0.25 g
    Obverse: Forepart of roaring lion left; head looking backwards
    Reverse: Bird standing right; two pellets, one above and one below; all within incuse square
    References: Klein 432; SNG Kayhan 947 (Mylasa); SNG Keckman 922; HNO 977 (Mylasa)

    lot 52.jpg

    A larger diobol version of your coin:

    Province, City:
    Troas, Cebren (Kebren)
    Denomination: AR Diobol
    Mint: Cebren (5th century BC)
    Size: 9mm x 9mm
    Weight: 1.31g
    Obverse: Ram’s head right
    Reverse: Quadripartite incuse square.
    References: SNG Cop 255; SNG Munchen 280
    cmezner, Cheech9712, Milo W and 3 others like this.
  10. Neal

    Neal Well-Known Member

    I posted this a few years ago, but this is my smallest coin. Neandria (famous because absolutely nothing happened there of note) 5mm, .08 g., IMG_9111.JPG IMG_9125.JPG IMG_9117.JPG helmet/quadripartite incuse square.
  11. Milo W

    Milo W Member

    Those are some nice coins! Here are my Miletus lions
    IMG_4365.png IMG_4364.png

    Tetartemorion, .18g
    (Previously my smallest coin)

    IMG_0273.png IMG_0274.png
    Another nice lion
    Neal, SorenCoins, cmezner and 2 others like this.
  12. Milo W

    Milo W Member

    Just read the Wikipedia page for Neandria, it really was uneventful there lol. Also nice coin!
    SorenCoins and Neal like this.
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