New Empress acquisition- Galeria Valeria

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by expat, Aug 8, 2024.

  1. expat

    expat Remember you are unique, just like everyone else Supporter

    Born as Valeria to Diocletian and Prisca, she married Galerius in 293, when her father elevated him to the position of Caesar. This marriage was clearly organized to strengthen the bonds between the two emperors.

    Valeria was raised to the title of Augusta and Mater Castrorum in November 308. Since Galerius fathered no child with her, Valeria adopted her husband's illegitimate son, Candidianus, as her own. In her honor, Galerius renamed the province of Upper Pannonia Valeria, which he had improved by draining marshes and removing forests.

    When Galerius died in 311, Licinius was entrusted with the care of Valeria and her mother Prisca. The two women, however, fled from Licinius to Maximinus Daia, whose daughter was betrothed to Candidianus. After a short time, Valeria refused the marriage proposal of Maximinus, who arrested and confined her in Syria and confiscated her properties. At the death of Maximinus, Licinius ordered the death of both women. Valeria and Prisca escaped and spent a year in hiding, until they were recognized by residents in Thessaloniki. They were captured by Licinius' soldiers, who beheaded them in the central square of the city and threw their bodies into the sea.

    Valeria was sympathetic towards Christians, while Galerius persecuted them. She was canonized as a Christian saint with her mother.
    Galeria Valeria, AE follis of Thessalonica. AD 308-310. GAL VALE-RIA AVG, diademed and draped bust right, shoulders facing, wearing necklace / VENERI V-ICTRICI, Venus standing left, holding apple and raising drapery. Star in left field, Γ in right field. Mintmark dot SM dot TS dot. RIC VI Thessalonica 36; Sear 14592.
    25 mm, 6,08 g
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  3. Cherd

    Cherd Junior Member

    She certainly had an interesting life!

    expat, Johndakerftw and Bing like this.
  4. philologus_1

    philologus_1 Supporter! Supporter

    Interesting personage! Thanks for sharing.

    My example of Galeria also has a reverse featuring Venus:

    Cherd, expat, Bing and 1 other person like this.
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