Need help plz I know 2002 was year of Horse-Are these really coins?

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by debbie53b, Jul 6, 2017.

  1. debbie53b

    debbie53b New Member

    horsecoin1.jpg horsecoin2.jpg First time here, and I probably did something wrong. Nonetheless, the only thing I can read on these are the date 2002. Have you seen these before? Are they real coins? Can you give me any info as to worth? Thanks in advance.
    horsecoin1.jpg horsecoin2.jpg horsecoin1.jpg horsecoin2.jpg horsecoin1.jpg horsecoin2.jpg
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  3. Dash

    Dash Active Member

    I can't give you any information on those coins but those are pretty cool looking. But hang in there somebody will know something on them they come along shortly.
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