need help on some errors

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by guy, Jul 4, 2004.

  1. guy

    guy New Member

    i have a few coin errors i will do them one by one so here is the first one

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  3. guy

    guy New Member

    here are some more

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  4. guy

    guy New Member

    and the rest

    oh yeah are these errors

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  5. erkhes

    erkhes New Member

    looks like they are all damaged coins
  6. CohibaCris

    CohibaCris New Member

    But at least you caught the variations, which it good news for your eyes. Keep looking, crazy stuff pops up when you least expect it.
  7. guy

    guy New Member

    alright i think this is a error because i have never seen one the happy lincon is a example

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  8. National dealer

    National dealer New Member

    Looks like counting machine damage
  9. guy

    guy New Member

    ok what about this one

    first one is well i dont know

    second one is looks like it was elongated and then filled

    third one is err i dont think you can see bet it was doubled

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  10. National dealer

    National dealer New Member

    1. Can't tell by the photo
    2. Looks like rust or corosion. No error
    3. Can't see the details
  11. guy

    guy New Member

    1st one why cant you tell from the picture
    3rd i thought so ill get a clear one

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  12. National dealer

    National dealer New Member

    Could be glue or solder. My laptop doesn't like photos very much.

    The doubling photos are nice though
  13. guy

    guy New Member

    so thats doubling ok well i have got some more

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  14. National dealer

    National dealer New Member

    Definately counting machine damage on those pics
  15. guy

    guy New Member

    ok but this one is hard

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  16. CohibaCris

    CohibaCris New Member

    My opinion, corrosion.
  17. guy

    guy New Member

    unless some put it in acid so it looked like that
  18. guy

    guy New Member

    dont think this is a error it is a tiny p mint mark i know it looks normal from the pictures but it is smaller

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  19. guy

    guy New Member

    well i am not getting alot of reponce for that well i cant say error so what about this one oh yeah this is the same nickel

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  20. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Guy -

    Let me try to explain. It would be a lot easier if along with the excellent close-ups you provide - you would also provide a pic of the entire coin. It makes it much easier, in fact it is sometimes even necessary to have a full pic, to be able to attribute the coin.

    Now I am not an error collector, but I do know a bit about them. If you were to ask me - this latest coin is not an error. It appears to be a coin that has endured enough wear so that the rim of the coin has worn down into the legends. It is a perfect example of why a pic of the full coin is required.

    You are not being ignored by the lack of response to your post. I think it is rather a case of folks not being being able to attribute the coins based on your pics. Therefore they say nothing rather than risk looking like a fool for making the wrong attribution.

    Hope you understand.
  21. guy

    guy New Member

    i understand i will get a big picture now
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