Neat Recent Acquisitions

Discussion in 'Paper Money' started by alhenry92, Jan 13, 2025.

  1. alhenry92

    alhenry92 32 Year Old Liberty Nickel Enthusiast

    Newest paper additions, got a really great deal on the 20$ note in comparison to what I've seen others go for and thought the Railroad Interest Notes were interesting and got them for dirt cheap. For the price I paid, I'm guessing they aren't known well enough to really have a demand.

    Screenshot_118.jpg Screenshot_119.jpg d7fea827-52bc-48d3-abd8-d2bdd6342f2b.jpg
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  3. Notaphylic_C

    Notaphylic_C Well-Known Member

    The two $35.00 bonds are really cool. I could see collector interest for the Boston, Hartford & Erie Railroad bond with the vintage steam engine design, green ink & red serial #. Thanks for sharing!
    alhenry92 likes this.
  4. alhenry92

    alhenry92 32 Year Old Liberty Nickel Enthusiast

    Just got around to this but no problem! I've got my eye on some other cool historical notes as well :D
  5. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Railroad Interest Notes are not very well known but the CSA Notes are. Your CSA Note has a sailing ship. Here’s one of mine that’s a popular note. it’s dated October 1862 and has 2 interest paid stamps on the reverse.
    The serial number is special because it’s #59,000 and these hand written notes that end in 3 zeros are very difficult to come by. It’s also signed by William Hoge, a southern civil war supporter. He provided Andersonville prison with bricks. I have copies of all this documentation. CSA Notes can be costly depending on a number of items. I love to collect these but I’m at the point that the ones I don’t have are expensive.
    The Confederacy only issued 72 notes and I have a little over a third of them. I have a lot more than that to collect different things about them.
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    Eric the Red and SteveInTampa like this.
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