Name the coin from the movie

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by SilverTracker, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. SilverTracker

    SilverTracker Well-Known Member

    I saw 2 movies recently had coins in them.

    1) Name the coin in the movie The Postman Always Rings Twice.?

    2) Name the coin in the movie Jinxed?

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  3. Mad Stax

    Mad Stax Well-Known Member

    I've never seen either, but I'll toss an easy one out there, Two Face's coin in Dark Knight...
  4. smarch

    smarch Active Member

    I remember one called "ZOTZ" from early sixties, we got a free coin like the one that was featured in the movie, a "magical" ancient discovery.
  5. gibsport

    gibsport Active Member

    I can remember a real 1913 V nickel on Hawaii 5-0 but haven't seen either of these movies.
  6. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Never heard of either movie.
  7. willieboyd2

    willieboyd2 First Class Poster

    ZOTZ Coin:

    "Zotz" (1962) film promotional plastic coin

    The film is a comedy about a college professor who receives an ancient coin which gives him magical powers.

    William Castle, the producer/director of the film, used gimmicks to advertise his films.

    He had these plastic coins made to be handed out to filmgoers.

    The obverse design is similar to the magical coin in the film and the reverse is blank.
    Plastic, 38mm, 3.75gm

    Re: "The Postman Always Rings Twice"

    Which version, the Lana Turner one or the Jessica Lange one?

  8. Dimedude2

    Dimedude2 Member

    I remember the Barber Dime Kate Winslet gave Leonardo DeCaprio in Titanic. But that scene had more interesting events going on.
  9. Santinidollar

    Santinidollar Supporter! Supporter

    What coin were Edward G. Robinson and the storekeeper playing checkers for in Orson Welles' The Stranger? Denomination will do.
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