I know I said that I am reducing my collection to just twenty coins, but I simply cannot resist this fascinating series. When the dust settles, I will be adding two of these coins to my twenty to replace existing coins. Here is the updated iteration of the Titus Restoration web page: AUGUSTUS AS, TITUS RESTORATION ISSUE, 80-81 AD (27mm, 10.71 gm) BMCRE Volume II, Rome, Titus No. 273-275 RIC Volume II, Part 1 (second edition), Titus, No. 462 Obverse depiction: Augustus, radiate head facing left Inscription: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER Reverse depiction: Eagle with wings spread standing on Globe Inscription: IMP T CAES AVG RESTITVIT - S C (above, left and right) Wildwinds Augustus RIC 462 [titus] text has incorrect obverse inscription DIVI AVGVSTVS PATER Provenance: Ex Ancient Resource AUGUSTUS AS, TITUS RESTORATION ISSUE, 80-81 AD (27mm, 10.03 gm) BMCRE Volume II, Rome, Titus No. 271 (variant) RIC Volume II, Part 1 (second edition), Titus, No. 454 Obverse depiction: Augustus, radiate head facing left Inscription: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER Reverse depiction: Altar enclosure with double doors Inscription: IMP T VESP AVG REST - S C (left and right) - PROVIDENT (in exergue) Provenance: Ex Romanorum AGRIPPA AS, TITUS RESTORATION ISSUE, 80-81 AD (27mm, 10.00 gm) BMCRE Volume II, Rome, Titus No. 281 (Pl.54.9.) Obverse depiction: Agrippa, radiate head facing left wearing rostral crown Inscription: AGRIPPA L F COS III Reverse depiction: Neptune standing left holding small dolphin and trident Inscription: IMP T VESP AVG REST - S C (left and right) Provenance: Ex Incitatus CLAUDIUS SESTERTIUS, TITUS RESTORATION ISSUE, 80-81 AD (34.5mm, 23.12 gm) BMCRE Volume II, Rome, Titus No. 297 (pl. 56.1) RIC Volume II (1962 Edition), Rome, Titus, No. 234 RIC Volume II, Part 1 (second edition), Titus, No. 472 (Sear No. 2601) Obverse depiction: Claudius, laureate head facing right Inscription: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG PM TRP IMP PP Reverse depiction: Personification of Spes holding flower in right hand and demurely raising skirt with left hand Inscription: IMP T VESP AVG REST - S C (left and right) Sear Roman Coins and their Values (RCV 2000 Edition) Number 2601 (via Wildwinds Claudius) Sale: CNG, Triton XII, Lot: 555 (5 January 2009) Provenance: Ex Dr. V.J.A. Flynn Collection Ex Praefectus coins Background Notes Although both Restoration and Restitution are employed by modern day authors to describe this coinage, I employ Restoration here because that is the nomenclature used by Harold Mattingly in his seminal reference: THE "RESTORED" COINS OF OF TITUS, DOMITIAN AND NERVA - The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society Fourth Series, Vol. 20 (1920), pp. 177-207 (31 pages) and on which much of the information presented here is based. Upon assuming the purple, Vespasian adopted a policy of honoring illustrious members of the Julio-Claudian dynasty by issuing several commemorative coin types in their memory. Commemoration of the illustrious dead on coins originated during the later Republic and became an integral part of the legacy of deified Emperors. Titus perpetuated his father's policy of honoring the illustrious dead by issuing commemorative coinage in a like manner. However, he now also began issuing coins that were struck using newly made dies designed to produce coins that closely resembled original coin types of the honorees but in more contemporary style. In BMCRE Vol II, TITUS-TYPES OF ROME, Mattingly states: "The 'restored' series of Titus served a double purpose; it preserved the memory of famous coins of the early Empire which were becoming obsolete and it emphasized in the public mind the continuity between the Flavian dynasty and its predecessor." It is important to understand how the original coins were restored. For example the first restored AVGUSTUS As depicted here was based on an original As struck at the Rome mint by Tiberius to honor the deified Augustus and depicts a left facing radiate bust of Augustus on the Obverse with the legend DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. A spread winged Eagle standing on a Globe is depicted on the reverse with large S C left and right. This coin is cataloged in BMCRE (British Museum Coins Roman Empire), H. Mattingly, Vol. I, as Tiberius No. 155 and in RIC (Roman Imperial Coins, Spink), C.H.V. Sutherland, Vol. 1, as Tiberius No. 82. Mattingly notes that the eagle is not a Roman bird but rather a symbol of immortality (bearing the soul of Augustus toward heaven?). As restored by Titus, the obverse of this coin retains the original coin depiction of Augustus and the legend intact. The reverse retains the original spread winged eagle depiction but the following inscription is added: IMP T CAES AVG RESTITVIT - S C (above, left and right) which roughly equates to "The Emperor Titus is the restorer of this coin". RESTITVIT is sometimes abbreviated to REST There are variations of these reverse titulature inscriptions throughout the Restoration coin issues. As a general rule, Titus Restoration coins retain the original coin obverse depiction and inscription, although in an updated style, and also the reverse depiction, but change (or add) the restoration reverse inscriptions described here. The above restoration became the general model used by Titus for his coin restorations, again with some variances. Only Aes coins - As, Dupondius and Sestertius - were restored. It was essentially Senatorial coinage yet was issued by Titus. Vespasian alone determined the style and content of his commemorative coinage. Titus, however, sought input from the Senate in the design and content of the restoration coinage. Evidentally it was important to him to have the two main powers of the State jointly honor the illustrious dead in this fashion and co-operation was reinforced by the striking of "Aes" coins bearing the usual Senatorial S C (Senatus Consulto) together with the "Restoration" legend. Of course, the Emperor was the supreme authority, and the Senate was subservient to him, but the traditional Senatorial control of the "Aes" coinage still had some relevance. The Emperor and the Senate, acting together, selected the deceased Augusti and family members they deemed worthy of being honored by the issuance of Restored coinage - a kind of official judgment of their records. Augustus, Tiberius, Claudius, Galba - and selected family members - were included. Caligula, Nero, Otho, Vitellius - and their family members were excluded. The following members of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, and Galba, were honored with Restored coins by Titus: Augustus - sestertius, dupondius, as Agrippa - as Tiberius - sestertius, as Drusus - as Livia - dupondius Nero Drusus - sestertius Germanicus - dupondius Agrippina I - sestertius Claudius - sestertius, dupondius as Galba - sestertius, dupondius, as The Restoration coinage of Domitian in general followed that of Titus, but the output was much lighter and appears to be restricted to a short period at the beginning of his reign. The Restoration coinage of Nerva is different in that it only includes two honorees: Divus Augustus and Agrippina senior. Trajan's Restoration/Restitution coinage was based on different criteria and he issued it in bronze, silver and gold. He also issued this coinage to honor Distinguished Republican families. There is some very interesting information relating to the Restoration/Restitution coinage of Trajan in this CNG listing. Note especially the Curtis Clay Commentary.
Great additions jamesicus, a collecting theme that interests myself as well, my collection of Flavian restoration issues is restricted to an As of Tiberius (Titus) and an As of Claudius by his brother Domitian. Titus restoration of Tiberius, AE As Rome 80-81 AD, 27mm, 11.1gm, RIC 432. Claudius Restoration issued under Domitian AE AS, Rome Mint, Ca. 81-82 AD Wt.: 9.6 g
I've always thought that Ancient Resource fella was a goofball with prices 5-10x what they should be, but it looks like you sniffed out a winner there, nice coin! I don't recall seeing that Claudius sestertius before and am now smitten, it's absolutely lovely in every respect. I'd do some careful cleaning of the right half of the reverse if I had it, but it's still beautiful despite the dirt. With coins like these I'd find it impossible to restrict myself to just one for each finger and toe!
Thank you @Plumbata! I also need to take better photos - the asses are much better looking than depicted here (I do have a hard time taking quality pics now though).
@jamesicus you always display wonderful coins and these are indeed no exception. I’ve read your post through at least three times and spent more than an hour looking at Restoration coinage. I’d heard of the terms mentioned and seen RESTITVIT legends on coins but never really understood what these were. Your concise explanation and superlative examples have helped this collector and one such example is now very high on the list. Thank you much! -d
While I see nothing wrong with the new coins, I don't see them as better than two of the previously announced 20. I ran into this problem when I posted my favorite 99 1/2 coins and then started buying coins I liked better than the worst of the group. Deciding which to remove from the honored group was a problem so I eventually just stopped updating. I can not imagine deciding which of the twenty to sell just to keep the count at twenty.
It is all about what will fit into my shoulder purse - 20 is the maximum (actually 21 but I use one pocket now for a folded up emergency use $20 bill). The shoulder purse is what I use to carry the coins with me wherever I go. It is also contains the most coins I want Beverly to have to dispose of when the time comes - she can just mail the contents of this shoulder purse to our secret seller - it is all pre-arranged.
Thank you for those very kind words @dadams - the way I look at this Forum is that it is a wonderful way for each of us to contribute information, ask and answer questions and propose different points of view.
Here is a “lightened up” photo of the Provident Reverse As which I thought would enable easier reading of the inscriptions - maybe not. I think I will revert my web page image to the original darker version. Unfortunately I do not have very good photographic skills and it seems they are getting worse with the passage of time. AUGUSTUS AS, TITUS RESTORATION ISSUE, 80-81 AD (27mm, 10.03 gm) BMCRE Volume II, Rome, Titus No. 271 (variant) RIC Volume II, Part 1 (second edition), Titus, No. 454 Obverse depiction: Augustus, radiate head facing left Inscription: DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER Reverse depiction: Altar enclosure with double doors Inscription: IMP T VESP AVG REST - S C (left and right) - PROVIDENT (in exergue) Provenance: Ex Romanorum
Thank you @Jwt. Reducing my collection to 20 coins was traumatic- the answer to your question is in my reply to Doug Smith.
27 mm. 12.36 grams. Restoration issue under Titus. IMP T VESP AVG REST Sear 2580. BMC Titus 265. RIC II.1 Titus 446 dupondius.
Thank you for this informative thread @jamesicus. I have a Restoration issue of Augustus (see below), struck under Tiberius to compare it with your issue struck under Titus. The reverse is listed as a large alter, closed doors, with SC in the field left/right respectively and PROVIDENT below. I don't have a Restoration issue by Titus in my collection. When looking at other examples of your coin with the altar reverse, I noticed that the images of Augustus on the issues struck under Titus, seem to have been given a bit of Flavian influence, in comparison to the issues struck under Tiberius. Could it perhaps be, as you mention as one of the reasons for these issues, that a bit of Flavian dna in the depiction of Augustus led to the public actually seeing the continuity between the Flavian dynasty and its predecessor? See for example: https://www.numisbids.com/n.php?p=lot&sid=353&lot=563 Very interesting! Here is my coin: