My first Ancient deer

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Markus1959, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. Markus1959

    Markus1959 Well-Known Member

    Bought my first Ancient deer for 2016. I have most of the information on it but just can't seem to find the year to attribute it to - any help will be appreciated - THANKS!

    This is what I have so far:
    "Gallienus AE antoninianus. Rome X. DIANAE CONS AVG/Deer"

    chrsmat71, Pishpash, Eng and 13 others like this.
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  3. Mikey Zee

    Mikey Zee Delenda Est Carthago

    I hope this helps:

    It seems most of the type with a 'stag' are dated 267-68 least as listed on acsearch.

    So, that seems a reasonable starting point.

    EDIT: Can you make out a mintmark in exergue???
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
  4. Sallent

    Sallent Live long and prosper

    Awesome, more ancient animals up in this forum. I like it!
  5. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

    Nice looking coin. Here is mine.
    Gallienus 18.jpg
    OBVERSE: GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head right
    REVERSE: DIANAE CONS AVG, Stag walking left
    Struck at Rome, Sole Reign, 267-268 AD
    2.7g, 18mm
    RIC 179
    chrsmat71, Pishpash, Eng and 9 others like this.
  6. Jwt708

    Jwt708 Well-Known Member

    The 'ole Gallienus zoo! That's a coin I would own and I "set" I would like to day.

    Here's my contribution to your thread:
    Gallienus, AD 253-268
    Billon Antoninianus, 2.84g, 12h; Rome mint,
    Obv.: GALLIENVS AVG; Radiate, cuirassed bust right.
    Rev.: DIANAE CONS AVG; Antelope walking left
    In Ex.: XII
    chrsmat71, Pishpash, Eng and 10 others like this.
  7. John Anthony

    John Anthony Ultracrepidarian

    Great coins everyone. I love this type. Diana was the protectress of the hunt, so these coins are essentially religious in character.
    Markus1959 likes this.
  8. Markus1959

    Markus1959 Well-Known Member

    With your info it is "stag" not deer, my mistake. And I found one similar in Wildwinds that was stated as AD 267. So I'll go with the ad 267-268

    And no MM visible

    Thanks much!
  9. Jwt708

    Jwt708 Well-Known Member

    Mikey Zee, TIF and stevex6 like this.
  10. GregH

    GregH Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know the context around the Gallienus zoo series? In the mid to late third century there's a lot of boring "somebody standing there" reverse types (as Doug would say), and then suddenly we have this lovely menagerie on the Gallienus coins. What does this series commemorate?
  11. John Anthony

    John Anthony Ultracrepidarian

    I wasn't aware of this page, and I thought I had read pretty much everything at FORVM. Thanks for linking it! That article he references in the 1990 CNR is excellent - I recommend anyone interested in the series to get that volume. Most volumes of CNG can be had cheap with a little patient hunting.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
    Mikey Zee and Jwt708 like this.
  12. dougsmit

    dougsmit Member

    Each of the animals is sacred to the god named on the coin so I would say the series is a list of gods which the emperor is asking to help his cause.
    Mikey Zee and Jwt708 like this.
  13. John Anthony

    John Anthony Ultracrepidarian

    I'll post a synopsis of the CNR article tomorrow - just don't have time for it today, but Doug has given you the gist of it.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
  14. Jwt708

    Jwt708 Well-Known Member

    Check out the link in my quoted post below. That's the best answer I've got and I would feel wrong copy/pasting it.

    Mikey Zee and GregH like this.
  15. stevex6

    stevex6 Random Mayhem

    Stag coins? ... is that what you're lookin' for? ...

    => Yeah, it's a Stag Party!!! .... ummm, I have a few stag examples

    ionia ephesos.jpg Ionia esphesos AE Bee & Stag.jpg India Post Mauryan Punjab.jpg Lucius Axius.jpg

    ... sadly/amazingly my only zoo-coin so far is that raggedy ol' panther ...

    => oh, but I still have all of the zoo-coins on my bucket-list!!
    Pishpash, chrsmat71, Eng and 10 others like this.
  16. Sallent

    Sallent Live long and prosper

    Your last coin says NASA and has what looks like raindeer about to take to the sky with a chariot. Awesome! That's one more thing the Ancients invented, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Someone call the show Ancient Aliens ;)
    Mikey Zee and stevex6 like this.
  17. dougsmit

    dougsmit Member

    When I posted my page on books (the one I keep intending to update but never seem to do it) I stated that old auction catalogs was my favorite coin reference 'book' I have a few hundred which is paltry compared to a couple of our members who have thousands. CNG is one of my favorites from the 90's but their more recent volumes are online which offer the huge advantage of being searchable. The businesses like CNG who contribute to the good of our hobby by giving back issue material to us all for free really deserve our sincere thanks. I feel guilty not bidding on more of their sales but I am just a giant cheapskate and not at all a nice person. You will notice that I am not running for President so I can tell it like it really is! ;)
    Ancientnoob, Mikey Zee, TIF and 3 others like this.
  18. John Anthony

    John Anthony Ultracrepidarian

    I meant CNR of course - confusing my acronyms!
  19. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

    If these are the qualities required, I qualify as your running mate.
    Mikey Zee, Sallent and stevex6 like this.
  20. stevex6

    stevex6 Random Mayhem

  21. John Anthony

    John Anthony Ultracrepidarian

    Doug and Bing 2016!
    Ancientnoob, chrsmat71 and Mikey Zee like this.
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