More Guyana: Prooflike Prooflike 1976 FM Coins! LOL

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by 7Jags, Oct 12, 2024.

  1. 7Jags

    7Jags Well-Known Member

    As I had to remove coins from the 1976 Specimen set because of oxidation spotting to some of the coins. I really hated breaking up the original holder but since I did have to, I pulled out the dollar and 25c coins.
    These are of (U) prooflike quality but are so “proofy” and of such quality that a prooflike strike with these present as even more prooflike - if that it almost seems fair to call them prooflike prooflike! These are both recognized as maximum of 50 struck only.

    25 c. :

    542EDD52-C03C-4DD3-A807-F65DEDB0886A.jpeg D8BDBB3F-0435-450C-A49A-DA288EDDC626.jpeg

    One Dollar:

    AEC305EA-2980-4842-8DC9-701A83B4BE92.jpeg 972B6AE6-0679-4A54-93E4-6EA822A20259.jpeg E6341D4B-2494-48EA-9722-E5BF05E21482.jpeg
    Ed Snible and Hiddendragon like this.
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  3. 7Jags

    7Jags Well-Known Member

    48 year old coin from the FM: E884324E-F5D9-4B62-8E1A-DB83B87D316B.jpeg
  4. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    They look more 'proof' than 'proof like'. Very nice specimens and photogs.......
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