More British florins from my collection

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by geordiecoinman, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. andyscouse

    andyscouse Collector of Brit stuff

    I shall - but I have to get a USB scope first! My digital camera is most assuredly not up to the task of photographing coins!
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  3. rexesq

    rexesq Senior Member

    Okay, are you sure your digital camera isnt up to the task? I have been able to get some very good shots of coins with a 3megapixel sony cybershot using the macro function and enough lighting. Either way, I look forward to seeing it.
  4. andyscouse

    andyscouse Collector of Brit stuff

    Would that it were! It's just a basic one with no macro. Well, I have heard good things about the USB scopes from a UK coin forum I'm on, so I'll give that a try.
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