mint specific wrappers

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Douglas, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Douglas

    Douglas Senior Member

    I suppose this applies to any denomination, but all the talk lately has been Prez dollars. My first inclination was to try something a little different with the Presidential series, that is to collect unopened rolls of each mint and each President. I'm fairly confident I will be able to get rolls of each prez from my bank, except their rolls are generic N.F. Stringer & Son wrappers (no mint indication), so that avenue is out. Then I called my coin dealer, same thing wrappers except he knows what mint and marks the wrapper accordingly. Thing is he wants $35, so that's out and he says I won't find mint specific wrappers from any banks in these parts. My only other choice is to buy direct from the US Mint, but they want $35 plus $5, so face value $50 costs $75 (35+35+5). So that's my dilemma, it looks like I won't be starting a new collection. Thanks, Douglas
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    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    As was reported earlier -

    So you can get them, just find a different bank. And to get the ones from the other mint outside of your area - find somebody to swap with.
  4. patrick05

    patrick05 Junior Member

    I don't believe that any of the wrappers from the banks have mintmarks on them. The ones I got are the special wrappers that go out to banks but they only say George Washington on them.

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    The point is - both types are out there and at the banks. It just depends on if the bank orders them rolled or in bags.
  6. stay away joe

    stay away joe New Member

    I think it is a matter of geography. Here in Wyoming we get nothing but Denver mint marks and Zero Philly's. I bet Philly's are east coast thing and Denver's are a west coast thing. You find the dividing line and you will know the mint mark. :D Maybe Just a thought. :) You can bet that the dealer knows what mintage that they are selling is. (Well they did order them) There may be some banks that have both mints in stock. Here in Wyoming It is First Interstate Bank . If there are, (that have both mints) I would bet it is a major bank in the Midwest and not just some local bank. But Bankers probably have that choice? Ask your banker if they would be will to do that for ya? ya never know till ya ask. :D I think I have seen this thread before but cant remember where. Is was about where you live or some thing like that. People from the east coast would have a friend on the west coast and buy and trade coins from there closest mint. Umm maybe not I have had a few beers. :D
  7. Douglas

    Douglas Senior Member

    I didn't mean for this thread to take the direction it is headed. The issue is not whether I will be able to get both mints due to geographic area, but where/how to locate and only pay face value. My concern is getting rolls that the wrappers indicate what mint the coins are inside. As I understand, mint specific wrappers are only available from the US Mint, either through mint direct or if a particular bank orders rolled coins from the Fed. Apparently, and this is from a rather large local coin dealer, no banks in my area order coins pre-rolled by the mint. If that was not the case I'm sure he would have gotten them to sell in his store. He pays face value to stock his shelves but he has to mark the wrappers manually, and he can do that because he knows where each $1000 box comes from. I know I can get hand marked wrappers and prolly only pay face value, but that is not how I wish to begin this collection. I want my collection to contain rolls that the wrappers themselves are printed to indicate mint and I only wish to pay face value. Chicagoland is a pretty big area with many many banks, I was hoping for some clear direction from Coin Talk members. Thanks, Douglas
  8. stay away joe

    stay away joe New Member

    Ok Sorry Douglas~~~~ As far as I know you can only get the factory mint roll at premium price from them. But will keep an eye on this thread just in case you find some one I would like too know too. :D
  9. Douglas

    Douglas Senior Member

    Just to add, Chicago is halfway between Denver and Philadelphia, about 1000 miles each. So I think what a particular bank gets is luck of the draw. Thanks, Douglas
  10. stay away joe

    stay away joe New Member

    I would think they would have too buy them just like every body else and it would be there call. Just a thought.
  11. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    At the moment I find this doubtful. So far no one has reported getting coins in bags from their banks, and after a week with all the reports of people buying their rolls from the banks, there has not been a single report of anyone getting a roll from the bank that is from the mint and/or with an identification as to which mint the roll contains.

    I think in this case ND86 may have confused two programs. Yes, the Mint is having coins rolled in their special wrappers that state what they contain, and yes, they are having the coins rolled for direct shipments to banks, But I do not believe at this time that the rolls wrapped for the banks are in the same wrappers that the Mint sells them directly to collectors in.

    If the Mint is rolling in special wrappers and in boxes of $1,000 as a means of reducing barriers to circulation, how come no one has them?
  12. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    I dont think ND86 has confused the two programs the mint is sending them in rolls to the banks if the banks ordered it. the problem is the banks havent ordered them that way. I have got about 6 rolls from banks in chicago and all of them have been denver (different banks) so i am pretty sure that we wont be getting any phily roles here and the only option to geta phily role is to order from the mint.
  13. Douglas

    Douglas Senior Member

    Friend Spock, do your Denver rolls heve the mint on the wrapper or are the wrappers N.F. String & Son? If they have Denver on the wrapper, please tell me what bank you got them. Thanks, Douglas
  14. Philly Dog

    Philly Dog Coin Collector

    Your banks can order a bag if they want to. Here is the proof below
    :secret: :secret:

    Presidential $1 Coin George Washington 1789 - 1797LocationDatePhiladelphiaSpecial ordering period February 1- March 15, 2007PhiladelphiaAvailability for public release February 15, 2007
    If you would like to place an order for only $1,000 of boxed coin and are a FedLine Web Subscriber, or if you need $2,000 bags of mixed $1 coins or $2,000 bags of unmixed Presidential $1 Coins during the six-week period to meet your customers’ needs, please contact your local Federal Reserve Office regarding special order requests.
    For more information on the Presidential $1 Coin ordering process, please visit the 3rd District web page or call Philadelphia Cash Administration at (215) 574-6324.

    Link to Commemorative Coin - Page
  15. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    Unfortunately they don't have the Denver wrapper. i feel as you do that at least one bank would have them in the wrapper. i have gone to several and have had various experiences from extremely nice to extremely rude tellers but no one had the original mint wrappers some even refused to give me the coins. If you can afford get 4 rolls from a bank and open 3 if they are all from the same mint (in your case you should get Denver you will most probably have Denver. Alternatively if you find a bank that has the mint wrappers please let me know I will run for it.

    BTW in NYC when the mint rolled the dollars out they did not use their own wrappers but those of String & son this should tell you something
  16. Douglas

    Douglas Senior Member

    Friend Philly, the Fed line does not say the $1000 box of rolled coins have the mint on the wrappers. As Spock said, in NYC the rolls were N.F. String & Son. About N.F. String, they are largest supplier of coin counting and coin wrapping machines in the country. Their name also goes on the wrappers, so free advertising with every wrapper. Sounds like even the Fed uses their equipment.

    Friend Spock, based on everything I've read on coin forums and especially what my coin dealer told me, trying to find a bank that has the desired wrappers is a waste of time.

    So, after all is said and done, it's decision time for me. The only way I'll get what I want is pay the premium from mint direct, it iritates me to be forced to do so, but not much choice.

    Thanks to all Coin Talk members for your diligence, Douglas
  17. Outlaw

    Outlaw Senior Member

    did n.f.string & son roll any denver mint coins?
  18. Philly Dog

    Philly Dog Coin Collector

    I'm positive they will not have US MINT on them because they are for the Fed Reserve and banks not for Mint Customers. Stringer could be rolling them for the Fed Reserve
  19. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    Thousands of banksin this country and NOT ONE of them has ordered the rolls with the Mint on them? And nowhere does it say that the rolls you order will have US Mint orthe mintmark on them. They did the same thing back in 2000. This is just a way for the banks to order the ccoins directly and bypass the Fed.

    And N F String & Son manufactures the wrapper, they don't roll the coins. And to answer another question asked earlier,Yes the Denver coins are also coming wrapped in N F String wrappers. So far I have not seen ANY reports of rolls from any part of the country that were not wrapped in N F String wrappers.
  20. Ron5812

    Ron5812 New Member

    US mint is not shipping washington dollars till 2nd week of March. those are the ones in official mint wrapper. my order is already in, can't wait.
  21. Philly Dog

    Philly Dog Coin Collector

    I ordered my Washinton Dollars ( Denver) on the Feb 15th and received them on Feb. 22 along with Kennedy halves and Unc. sets:mouth:

    The rolls have a real pretty wrapper with a D on them
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