Military Challenge Coin Challenge

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by sewjr24, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. wokeupscreamin

    wokeupscreamin Junior Member

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  3. Shoewrecky

    Shoewrecky Coin Hoarder

    I agree with you 100% and Wokeupscreamin...I cant stop laughing
  4. DoK U Mint

    DoK U Mint In Odd we Trust

    Glad & Sad

    WoW. This thread has made me Glad & Sad all at once.

    ThanX fellows. Those are tokens of commitment forged in metal.

    Made me think of many friends & brotheren and our colors, forged in cloth and gauze.

    It makes me wonder where my brothers are now.

    BRB after a trip to the attic.

    Great photos make me re~see things.

    Great intentions make me re~feel things.
  5. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    Yep you answered it, It was the shape, Some dont look traditional
    Being not round, But i guess there all considered challenge coins
  6. Jkelley96

    Jkelley96 Junior Member

    basic training challenge coin

    hey all, firs time poster that had question and need some help.

    Back in 96 I did My basic training at fort knox, KY and got a medical discharge about half way through. I was a 19 Delta Cav Scout, 5th Squadron, 15th Cavalry Alpha troop to be exact, and we were given a challenge coin at the start of basic, since my discharge I had my house broken into and the coin was stolen and have been trying to track down the coin and no place I look can I find it. is there anyone out there they might be able to help Me locate a place to get this coin again or am I S.O.L

    Thanks in adavnce
  7. wokeupscreamin

    wokeupscreamin Junior Member

    The only thing i could suggest is to keep an eye on ebay but that is such a shot in the dark. I'm guessing there were only a couple hundred of these made, if that, and everyone else who got one is gonna want to keep ahold of it. Generally people only collect the ones presented to them and hold them til death.
  8. bqcoins

    bqcoins Olympic Figure Skating Scoring System Expert

    I'm going to have to drag all of mine out and take some pics.
  9. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    I would love to see them :)
  10. dctjr80

    dctjr80 Senior Member

    Here is mine.

    This is the only coin that was ever given to me on duty.

    Attached Files:

  11. yakpoo

    yakpoo Member

  12. DoK U Mint

    DoK U Mint In Odd we Trust


    That can't be true.


  13. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    What? Never heard of "men in black"?
  14. namvet4

    namvet4 Junior Member

    Thank you Tiag . . . Your comment is greatly appreciated.
  15. dctjr80

    dctjr80 Senior Member

    National Stuttering Agency :)
  16. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    Iam seeing some great coins here keep it up:hail:
  17. sewjr24

    sewjr24 Junior Member

    Awesome coin, dctjr80!
  18. tiag12

    tiag12 w/out the penny we'd all

    Not a prob! Well worth the compliment. Regardless of what each individual did or does in the military it's a team effort, I appreciate the team; now if we can just get our favorite NFL teams to have the same mind set, someone other then "Aint's" :headbang: would win.
  19. Jimmyezy

    Jimmyezy Junior Member

    197th 2-69 coin

    I was in the 197th Brigade 2-69th Armour back in 87-90, I have been looking for a coin like this as a history of being a part of them. Do you know of where I can find one or would you consider selling?


  20. sewjr24

    sewjr24 Junior Member

    Hi, Jimmy, and welcome to CT. I was the artillery fire support officer attached to C Company from '95-'96. When I was there on Kelly Hill, the 197th separate brigade had been deactivated and had become the 3rd brigade of the 24th ID. Then shortly after I arrived the 24th ID was reflagged to the 3rd ID. But the 2-69 AR battalion remained through all those transitions. I enjoyed my time among the tankers. Different breed that's for sure.

    As for the coin, I'm sorry to say that mine isn't for sale. It holds a lot of sentimental value to me as do all of my challenge coins from my years in service. I'm not sure how you could get your hands on one. Maybe you could keep your eye on eBay?
  21. Jimmyezy

    Jimmyezy Junior Member

    Hey, thanks for the quick reply. I was in the maintenance section attached to Bravo company from 88 to 90. Just was looking for a piece of something as a reminder of my time there. Thanks a lot though!
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