Military Challenge Coin Challenge

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by sewjr24, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. sewjr24

    sewjr24 Junior Member

    The topic of military challenge coins was brought up in another thread, so I thought it would be fun to show off some of mine that I received during my military career and issue a challenge to any other military coin holders on CT to show off theirs as well.

    So all you military folks, veterans, and other military coin holders out there dust off your coins, take some good photos, and post them here along with a description. This will be fun and educational.

    And if anyone can match one of my coins (i.e. you hold one from the same unit), I guess I'll owe you a drink. :D
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  3. sewjr24

    sewjr24 Junior Member

    1-15 fa

    Military Branch: U.S. Army

    Unit: 1st Battalion, 15th Field Artillery Regiment

    Description: Received this coin when I served with the 1-15 FA in the 2nd Infantry Division in the Republic of Korea in 1994-95. This was my first active duty assignment after my officer basic course. One side of the coin features the regimental unit crest along with the slogan "First to Fire". The other side features the emblems of the 2nd Infantry Division (Indian Head patch) and the 2nd Infantry Division Artillery (crossed cannons with tomahawk). At the bottom is an M109 self-propelled howitzer.

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  4. sewjr24

    sewjr24 Junior Member

    Charlie Batter, 1st Battalion, 15th Field Artillery

    Military Branch: U.S. Army

    Unit: C Battery, 1st Battalion, 15th Field Artillery Regiment

    Description: Challenge coins are issued at all unit levels within the military. It is not uncommon for a service member to carry several at any given each for his/her company, battalion, regiment, and/or division. This is the coin I carried as a member of Charlie Battery (nicknamed Cobras). Other batteries in the 1-15 FA battalion had their own unique coins. As mentioned in the original thread, some coins are engraved with the carrier's name or perhaps a serial number that identifies who the coin belongs to. In this case, my name is engraved on the reverse of this coin.

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  5. sewjr24

    sewjr24 Junior Member

    5-20 Inf FIST

    Another one.....

    Military Branch: U.S. Army
    Unit: Fire Support Team (FIST), 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment
    Description: I received this coin as a reward after a temporary duty assignment with the 5-20 IN FIST team in Korea. One side has the FIST (stands for Fire Support Team) emblem in the center. The the right of the FIST emblem is the crossed rifle unit crest of the 20th Infantry Regiment. The left of the emblem is the unit crest of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment which supplies the FIST teams to the infantry battalion. The reverse of the coin has the nicknames of all the FIST teams along with the image of an indian warrior armed with a lightning bolt and a tomahawk.

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  6. Pocket Change

    Pocket Change Coin Collector


    A very special genre in our hobby! I don't collect these and know very little about them, but I'm posting this to put it at the top of the list!!

    I know bqcoins has some of these Challenge medals and has posted before.

    AND I know that Krispy is going to post several inks to old references to Challenge medals! (I just wish he'd change his name to Creme or maybe doughboy.... :) )
  7. sewjr24

    sewjr24 Junior Member

    Here's one I really like......

    Military Branch: U.S. Army

    Unit: 5th Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment

    Description: I received this coin as a reward after a temporary assignment with the 5-17 CAV in Korea. Notice on this coin it has a place for a name to be engraved on one side, but apparently mine was never put on it. On the other side, however, you can see the serial number which was assigned to this coin and registered to me in their records. It's just above the crossed sabers and below the "17th Cavalry"....kinda hard to see. Serial number is 1313 which is pretty cool!

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  8. tiag12

    tiag12 w/out the penny we'd all

    My dad served in the Marines during the Korean Conflict. Is there a way I could find out what issue of coins he may have received while there? I am just learing of his military history. I think this type of collecting is pretty neat, I had never seen these types of tokens before and would like to collect what my dad may have had in his pocket to pass down to my kids when thier older.
  9. sewjr24

    sewjr24 Junior Member

    Hi, tiag12. Is there any way you can ask your dad about it? I'm sure he would still have them if he ever received any.
  10. tiag12

    tiag12 w/out the penny we'd all

    Well I know that would be the obvious thing to do but he passed away in 1985. With new information from the Department of Defence with regards to where he served that I am getting, I really do not know much about him. I remember him bringing food to my mom once when I was about five years old; met him again when I was 17, for only a short time.

    I am doing research on his family geneology stuff, but have no real source alive any more to tell me anything about him...

    Thanks for your sugestion though.
  11. coinman0456

    coinman0456 Coin Collector

    This was my challenge and medal.

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  12. coinman0456

    coinman0456 Coin Collector

    This One too.

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  13. sewjr24

    sewjr24 Junior Member

    I'm sorry to hear about your dad, tiag. If he had any, I'm sure he wouldn't have parted with them so if you have any of his uniforms or service items, they may be stored with them. These coins are not like ribbons and medals in that there wouldn't be any kind of official documentation unless the unit that awards the coin keeps a record and most don't do that.
  14. sewjr24

    sewjr24 Junior Member

  15. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    Very cool guys!!
  16. wokeupscreamin

    wokeupscreamin Junior Member

    I worked customs in kuwait during my most recent deployment and came in contact with ALOT of high ranking officers. I recieved over 20 challenge coins along and also designed the coin for my company. I'll take some pics tonight sometime of the cooler ones.
  17. sewjr24

    sewjr24 Junior Member

    Cool! Can't wait to see them.
  18. sewjr24

    sewjr24 Junior Member

    Here's another one from my stack.....

    Military Branch: U.S. Army
    Unit: 4th Battalion, 41st Field Artillery Regiment

    I carried this coin when I served with the 4-41 FA which was part of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team of the 24th Infantry Division. One side features the leaf emblem of the 24th Infantry Division, the crossed cannons of the field artillery, and the unit designation 4-41. The other side features the M109 howitzer. Below the howitzer is the nameplate with my name engraved in it.

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  19. tiag12

    tiag12 w/out the penny we'd all


    To all of you who have serve and served, thanks! My dad and step father served in the Marines, an Uncle and a nephew in the Army. I tried to enlist but a medical condition kept me out...
  20. coinman0456

    coinman0456 Coin Collector

    Thank you on behalf of all my brothers and sisters of the Armed Services for your appreciation.
  21. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Beware the wrath of Krispy.....:)

    Great post Sewjr24.....:)
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