Hello all! I have a new idea for Monday's coin themed thread. It's called "Meteor Monday!" All coins, tokens or medals that are out of this world nice! It's an individual choice and desire to have in your collection or a "fantasy" coin you hope to own someday..... I don't have one in my collection as many don't but this a coin that I feel is "out of this world"..... 1652 Pine Tree Shilling X11....
Ok here's one of my So Called Dollars, it's HK-296, 1902 Wells Fargo each employee of Wells Fargo for a year or more of employment got one of these many years ago, like in 1902! I'll post the link with the particulars! https://www.so-calleddollars.com/Events/Wells_Fargo.html
My fantasy would be to own the Newman or Ford (or both) CSA half. Hey I have a Powerball ticket for tonight.
Nice little gem! Can you imagine detecting meteorites? There are people in states like Kansas that look for them, many are feet in the ground too. They use special ground penetrating machines and a homemade HUGE coil that they drag behind them on vehicle combing the field or meadow. Many of these are too big to pick up with human hands. Often backhoes are used.