Metal Detecting - 4 Silver Coins & Civil War Token!

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by paddyman98, Aug 10, 2024.

  1. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    Hello everyone,
    Today I did a 6 hour Metal Detecting hunt at Brooklyn's Fort Greene Park.

    I did very well with many great items!

    My 4th ever Seated Dime 1876
    (My 5th Seated coin)


    2 Winged Liberty Head Dimes
    1 Silver Roosevelt


    12 Wheat Cents

    Indian Head Cent - *The date is 1905 :facepalm:

    Civil War Token

    Infantry Collar Disk

    Misc Items

    1800's Vintage Padlock

    Last edited: Aug 10, 2024
    CygnusCC, Dynoking, Timewarp and 17 others like this.
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  3. lardan

    lardan Supporter! Supporter

    Nice day you had there. I like it for you when you have these successful days.
  4. 3BStuff

    3BStuff Cogitare Et Prolatantem

    To me the Indian head cent looks like it says 1905
  5. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    Yes, you are correct. I edited my post with the date. After I soaked it the date was clear.. 1905
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  6. Heavymetal

    Heavymetal Well-Known Member

    The date on the Army & Navy token may be 1863. Many of these get mistakenly listed as 1865 on eBay even in nice condition. I’ve owned a few. Still have one heavily corroded from LCS junk box. Incomplete planchet. IMG_5379.jpeg IMG_5383.jpeg
  7. Heavymetal

    Heavymetal Well-Known Member

    And one I sold a few years ago IMG_8237.jpeg IMG_8236.jpeg
    paddyman98 and SensibleSal66 like this.
  8. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Love the Seated Dime and the rest of the silver! That lock looks really old. :)
    paddyman98 and lardan like this.
  9. Millard

    Millard Coindog Supporter

    Wow! nice day. What's that average? about one item every three minutes! Amazing.
    lardan, paddyman98 and SensibleSal66 like this.
  10. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    What a great day you had! The silver coins are all in very good shape. Love the 1876 Seated Dime but my favorite is the 1800’s Yale Padlock. It’s something you just don’t see, let alone find, everyday. I think another trip is on the horizon got that Park. :)
    lardan, paddyman98 and SensibleSal66 like this.
  11. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    You are correct on the age of the lock. Yale and Townes mfg. Co.
    Any chance of getting a key for it? Oil it up and use it? :)
    paddyman98 likes this.
  12. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    Joey with some of my treasures :rolleyes:

    CygnusCC likes this.
  13. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    Thanks.. The more recent clad and Cents coins are usually coin spills. People lay down in the grass and their coins slip out of the pockets. I can find 4 or 6 coins hidden in the tall grass. ;)
  14. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    Definitely! It was an area of the park where I had found 2 silver coins several years ago so I decided to try my new Nokta Legend metal detector which has better detection capabilities. I can't believe I missed all the neat items before!
    Collecting Nut likes this.
  15. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    A key would probably be difficult to find. I like the way it froze in place. One day I hope to have a standing display case to show my relics. It will look nice that way!

    I will put it next to the US MAIL Lock I detected a few weeks ago!
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2024
  16. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Next time you detect this same area I hope you find one of those elusive coins on your bucket list.
    paddyman98 likes this.
  17. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    The only coin I really want to find at this time is a Spanish Reale, any denomination! :woot:

    So far I have detected the following coins..
    2 Cent Piece
    Seated 10C & 25C
    Barber 10C, 25C & 50C
    Mercury Dimes
    Flying Eagle Cent
    Silver Washington 25C
    Walking Liberty Half
    Indian Head Cent
    Buffalo Nickel

    There are others but I really want a Reale! :hungry:
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2024
    Millard and Collecting Nut like this.
  18. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Paddy needs to metal detect for the key. Lol
    SensibleSal66 and paddyman98 like this.
  19. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    One day sir, one day. :)
    paddyman98 likes this.
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