Marcus Aurelius Bookended - Family Affair

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Dumanyu, Jul 9, 2006.

  1. Dumanyu

    Dumanyu World Coin Collector

    Well, as some of you my know from previous posts I've got Marcus Aurelius bookended, now the family gathering continues with Lucilla, wife of Commodus. Here's a family group.
    Kinda leaves you all warm and fuzzy don't it?

    WINS# 616

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  3. Mikjo0

    Mikjo0 Numismatist

    Very warm and fuzzy,especially Mr. and Mrs. Commodus.I'm sure THAT was a family to remember.
    OK Mr.D,now it's time for Faustina Sr.and Jr.....
  4. Dumanyu

    Dumanyu World Coin Collector

    Funny you should mention that, hopefully by 4:00am I'll have Faustina Sr.(the mother-n-law) in my collection, after that we'll have to get junior, and Lucius Verus into the fold.
    Okay, it's 7:00pm and she's mine. Not the greatest quality, but for $3.50 + S/H at auction what do you expect? I also realized I won another auction a few hours earlier of Constantine the great.

    WINS# 616

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