Marc Antony Denarius in a coin collecting machine? (Repost)

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by JimR_Coins, Dec 12, 2020.

  1. JimR_Coins

    JimR_Coins Member

    Hello! This is a repost from “Coinstar find” under the World forum which the community requested to move it here. Please let me know what your thoughts on identifying this coin as well as if it’s a legit find in my coin collecting machine, thanks!


    If this is authentic, I did find a few other coins today that I would like to post later as soon as I hear back from this post, thanks!
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  3. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    I said it over there, before you had more pictures, that I thought it was most likely a fake. I still think that. It looks like it would be LEG XV.
    Looking forward to hearing what the professionals say.

    Also, you said you had more? What else was in this magic coinstar?
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2020
    Ryro likes this.
  4. Ryro

    Ryro Trying to remove supporter status

    I'm sorry to say, but in my amateur opinion, that perfect edge along the rim is a sign that this is a modern forgery made by machine, making this a fake.
  5. Bradley Trotter

    Bradley Trotter Well-Known Member

    Regardless, of that coin's authenticity, you should post images of the other coins as well.
  6. JimR_Coins

    JimR_Coins Member

    Copy will do later tonight
    Bradley Trotter likes this.
  7. hotwheelsearl

    hotwheelsearl Well-Known Member

    I mean the odds of a multi thousand dollar coin showing up in some guys pocket change is pretty low.
  8. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    Hardly a multi-thousand dollar coin. Some Marc Antony Legio XV coins sold on vcoins for ~$50.
  9. Orange Julius

    Orange Julius Well-Known Member

    I’m going with authentic. The edges don’t look off to me and the scratches, bankers marks, wear and strike all look legit.
    furryfrog02 likes this.
  10. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    paging @Bing . Not that I don't trust @Orange Julius, someone who definitely knows ancients....I would just like Bing to weigh in since I know he has an affinity for Marc Antony denarii :)
    JimR_Coins likes this.
  11. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    I agree, I think the coin is OK too. @Bing would know well.
    furryfrog02 likes this.
  12. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    That’s two big hitters saying legit. I like this. Perhaps a real Cinderella story to end 2020 with :)
    Why can’t I have this kind of luck at a coinstar? Last thing I found were to pennies stuck together with some sort of “substance”...
    JimR_Coins likes this.
  13. hotwheelsearl

    hotwheelsearl Well-Known Member

    I’m an idiot. I was thinking of the more expensive Antony coins; I forgot that the legio ones are affordable.
    furryfrog02 likes this.
  14. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    You say “affordable”, I say “still out of my price range”. Lol.
    But yes, much more “affordable” than some of his coins.
  15. JimR_Coins

    JimR_Coins Member

    Yes, recently read some of his post on the subject, either way fake or not it always amuses me when I find unique things in weird places. Recently found NYC subway tokens in the machine, not ancient but seems like it nowadays
  16. JimR_Coins

    JimR_Coins Member

    I have a bunch of those if you want me to post that mess hahah
  17. JimR_Coins

    JimR_Coins Member

    I will post the other finds like I mentioned before in a few, don’t know much of the subject but that’s why I’m here to see the comments :pompous:
    furryfrog02 likes this.
  18. JimR_Coins

    JimR_Coins Member

    Today’s find...

    Item A

  19. JimR_Coins

    JimR_Coins Member

  20. JimR_Coins

    JimR_Coins Member

  21. akeady

    akeady Well-Known Member

    Your item A is a drachm from Chalkis - e.g. mine:

    Obviously, someone has all-but destroyed the obverse with something very sharp.

    Item B is a bronze from Larissa and item C is from Histiaia, presumably a tetrobol.

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