WTS: MAKE OFFER: 1921 Peace - 1918s 1920 1920s 1933s WLH - 1899O Morgan - 1930s SLQ MORE

Discussion in 'For Sale' started by protovdo, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. protovdo

    protovdo Resident Whippersnapper

    Please PM me BEST offer. Or, you can e-mail danielwurz@gmail.com

    Shipping will be FREE. I am selling, because my daughter will be born next month, and I need to be prepared, so please be reasonable with your offers :)


    1921 Peace Dollar





    1899-O Morgan - SMALL "O" Variety



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  3. protovdo

    protovdo Resident Whippersnapper

    1918-S WLH



  4. protovdo

    protovdo Resident Whippersnapper

    1920 WLH





  5. protovdo

    protovdo Resident Whippersnapper

    1920-S WLH




  6. protovdo

    protovdo Resident Whippersnapper




  7. protovdo

    protovdo Resident Whippersnapper

    1928-S WLH





  8. protovdo

    protovdo Resident Whippersnapper

    I will give it until the end of the day before these guys go to the 'Bay.

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