Loomis culling silver????

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by Infamousfrog, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. oneguy

    oneguy Member

    I highly doubt Loomis is culling/pulling silver halves....that's most likely just an opinion without any real proof because the halves aren't producing anymore because of so many searching. Same will happen with the dimes now that the halves have dried up for the most part. I've done terrible with Loomis boxes and most other boxes for that matter. Have one more box ordered and if that doesn't produce I'll stick to loose halves that I can scrounge here and there on a small scale (never was a big volume guy anyways....PITA that has never really paid off for me) Just got in a little too late but still have fun with it.......also made a few good hits, just not recently............
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  3. lincoln

    lincoln Large Member

    Last six boxes yielded one 1968. The last two boxes looked as though they had come from a casino---those halves had led rough lives...no reeding and terrific wear. Looking for three more boxes this week.
  4. oneguy

    oneguy Member

    I was kinda excited as my last box had NO marked halves when I started searching so I thought that maybe I'd stumbled onto some unsearched halves? Got skunked on that box but that was the first batch/box in quite awhile that didn't have a ton of marked halves from other previous crh's...........
  5. Infamousfrog

    Infamousfrog New Member

    I'm picking up another box of quarters and 2 more boxes of dimes tomorrow. Let's see what kind of luck I'm going to have.
  6. Infamousfrog

    Infamousfrog New Member

    After a fun search I only found 1 Merc and 1 Rosie and skunk on the quarters. Over all happy with the find.
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  7. Seeking 10K FV

    Seeking 10K FV New Member

    Yes. I do believe Loomis is culling silver halves. Chase switched from Garda to Loomis and last $500 box halves obviously rerolled in yellow string wrappers. Found mercury dime and 5 silvers in a $250 dime box end of December. Last $250 dime box from Loomis zero. Asked teller and found out about the switch. Got skunked Wells Fargo and smart teller asked if I found any silver. I said no that's why dumping back on you! He replied you wont! WF searchs inhouse for silver! Did well with PNC usually 2 64s, Franklins and three liberties at a $500 box a week. Then went to 2 a week. Now went whole hog $2500! Guess what?? Switched to Loomis when opened flat boxes! Went thru have a box and done! Going to drop them off at Loomis myself! I am insulted! Ordered some from new bank that does Garda.
  8. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    Maybe Loomis in different areas have different practices but I doubt it. Loomis is my sole supplier for halves and pulled 7 90%(mix of walkers, bens, and kens) and 85 40% in my last 12 boxes. Therefore I have to disagree with you that they are culling silver.
  9. Endeavor

    Endeavor Well-Known Member

    I was never a big roll hunter (as in buying boxes at a time), but I would buy quarter and dime rolls from tellers from time to time. Very rare nowadays to find ANY silver. To be honest, it's not worth the time and trouble (searching and returning rolls to bank). In the time it would take nowadays to find a silver coin (almost certainly in worn condition), you could get a part time minimum wage and take that money and buy more silver than you will find hunting. You would also have the chance to buy uncirculated silver doing it that way. Conclussion: just doesn't make sense to hunt anymore (time wise).
  10. Fish paws

    Fish paws Member

    I've found silver in loomis boxes (dimes and halves) as recently as last week.
    It's more likely you're in a dry spell...I have them periodically, usually immediately following a really good week. :)
  11. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    Yup. Just pulled another 4 90% and 7 40% from Loomis today.
  12. Endeavor

    Endeavor Well-Known Member

    Ok I guess Loomis doesn't then.
  13. Seeking 10K FV

    Seeking 10K FV New Member

    Seems so. Two of my source banks switched to Loomis. 5k worth of halves yield lots of skunks and only one franklin & one 64 kennedy. Both were filthy & tough to recognize. One box did have lots of 40% & seemed like "sorter" didn't realize 65-69 are silver.
  14. kasssa

    kasssa New Member

    It is almost 2 years since the last post... I get a box of halves every week, and many come from Loomis. I have gone months without finding anything, and on 2 occasions I've found over 20 silver halves. I typically find something every 6 weeks. It is the luck of the draw, although I suspect when I've found the 20+ halves, they may have been from a collector who passed away, and the family just took the halves to the bank to get paper money. I have threatened to haunt my family if they do this when I die! :)
  15. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    I did 16 boxes of halves in a row with nothing. Then I started hitting good loads again. It's a numbers game that takes patience. I got 65 ounces of silver last year going through Loomis boxes. It ebbs and flows. Sometimes you get a whole collection with 20+ ounces of silver in one box. I didn't do that but my girlfriend did.
  16. steve63

    steve63 Active Member

    I don't believe Looms culls silver. I just found 2 silver quarters in a Loomis roll this past week. Admittedly, it's very rare to find silver quarters in circulation. But that's just because quarters circulate more heavily than other coins which means almost all of the silver ones have been culled naturally. I've also found silver dimes in Loomis rolls.
  17. calishield

    calishield Well-Known Member

    I don't think Loomis does either as I just did 2 boxes of halves and had 4 40s and I have decent luck with dime boxes still. It's been slower going (doing more boxes) but appears it's all numbers. Wait until summer and then search quarters - when kids are out of school more chances to find quarters!
  18. Silver hunter 1

    Silver hunter 1 New Member

    Just want to leave a quick post for all the veteran crh I havre just gotten into this game with some level of seriousness I started reading on this site after 13 boxes of quaters and half way into my first box of halves I must say this site had me convinced I would never find one I gave 25 rolls away , I saw a live u tube video and the guy had 4 boxes of sealed Loomis boxes of halves and he had a total of 10 coins when done i, I instantly called my bank on Monday and got 4 boxes , I found a total of 22 coins three being Ben Franklin , and one being a proof coin 1976 bic only gets better I got 12 boxes the next week well let's just say in one mounth I have found 85 dollars in face value half at 90% so like in hunting game it's the hunt that brings us back and y'all are discuraging the rest of the young hunters out there we are supposed to be helping them get excited about it two , my best find is a 1913 Merc dime and two proof bic coins so keep hunting and good luck
  19. DozerD

    DozerD Member

    I don't think Loomis culls out silver. Back in mid January 2017 I was lucky to find a Loomis MWR Dream Box that had 98-silvers (33-Rosie's, 65-Merc's). I was really stoked for weeks after that, my best box up to that time in the past 5-years was 18 silvers.
  20. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's culled out either. What you get in MWR is a result of how much your Fed Territory has been picked out. Also you might get lucky and get one's collection.
  21. brokecoinguy

    brokecoinguy I like what I can't afford

    Although a few local banks have offered to order a box or two of halves, I respectfully decline and just try to get what is on hand or in the teller drawers - which has probably paid off moreso. I've found a Stone Mountain Commemorative ender, entire roll of 1968s, a franklin, and loose drawer kennedy's searching about $500 - $600 in halves. Found these right off the bat, skunked the rest of the way - pretty sure that was nothing but luck. More and more people just seem to be interested in culling silver, it sucks but you can't blame them.
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