looking for spreadsheet/checklist

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by enochian, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. enochian

    enochian silver eater

    coin show coming up on the 5th and i want to be ready.

    i want a template or something of that kind so if you have any made let me know id like to use them if possiable

    would like something containing each date and mintage if possiable and some way to check off each coin so i can take the printed pages with me and be able to tell what i need and what i want to upgrade at the coin show

    mercury dime
    wheat cent
    rosie dime
    20th/21st century type set. or just 20th century and ill add the rest.
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  3. non_cents

    non_cents Well-Known Member

    If you have microsoft excel it should be pretty easy and fast to do yourself...
  4. enochian

    enochian silver eater

    no i have open office and not sure how to make a spread sheet and id rather be reaserching pieces i need getting ready for the show
  5. stldanceartist

    stldanceartist Minister of Silly Walks

    I would think it would be a valuable experience to learn how to make the spreadsheet. That whole "teach a man to fish" thing... Just for clarification - if you don't know how to make it, how will you use/edit it once you go on location? Or are you planning to print it out as a hard copy...

    FYI, if I had such a spreadsheet, I might go ahead and share it. Mine is collection specific, though.
  6. dsmith23

    dsmith23 Gotta get 'em all

    Take your redbook with you check the ones you have/need it even has all the mintages
  7. stldanceartist

    stldanceartist Minister of Silly Walks

    Or you could make a photocopy of the necessary pages at FedEx...while you learn how to make your spreadsheet.

  8. geekpryde

    geekpryde Husband and Father Moderator

    Open Office has an Excel knockoff / equivalent, so that can't really be your excuse. You could also use LibreOffice. http://www.libreoffice.org/download In the amount of time it took you to post here and then read all the responses, you could have taught yourself the extreme basics of a spreadsheet. I mean, at it's most basic you are storing text in columns and rows, which sounds like what you need. I think a 5 year old could play around and figure out the basics, so I am sure you can too.

    AND / OR, do you have a smartphone? Download a notepad app, or something like "Out of Milk" https://www.outofmilk.com/default.aspx to make lists and check things off.

    Good luck.
  9. stldanceartist

    stldanceartist Minister of Silly Walks

    There are also coin-related apps...but those are still pretty awful. The only ones I find functional are Kitco Gold Live (for PM prices), PCGS Photograde (great free app), and Coinflation (current melt prices if you're too lazy to open a browser window.)

    But yes, there are plenty of options for you depending on how much time you'd like to spend wrangling with different levels of technology.
  10. enochian

    enochian silver eater

    well i have a hardcover notebook i write down my collections in but i only add the stuff i plan on keeping. this is why i wanted a spreadsheet. which ill print take with me and dispose of. i know i could do it if i wanted to but my wife says im on the pc playing games or doing reaserch to much as it is. plus i learn best by reverse engineering. which is how i learned html
  11. Johntomk

    Johntomk Member

  12. KoinJester

    KoinJester Well-Known Member

    @ Simon and @Stl

    I've been trying to figure out excel for years and I'm still lost on it. So its not that easy if your unfamiliar with it.
  13. enochian

    enochian silver eater

    i have google drive and i think i can edit the spread sheet if i decied to use my phone. But then i risk the phone dieing since ill be there at 6am even tho the show dosent start till 9 and ends at 4. I have to go early because my coin club puts on my local coin show and im helping set up.
  14. enochian

    enochian silver eater

    Well i guess ill make my own then post them here to help out others inneed
  15. treylxapi47

    treylxapi47 Well-Known Member Dealer

    Im about to send you some enoch, ill pm you in a second
  16. 16d

    16d Member

  17. Dougmeister

    Dougmeister Well-Known Member

    Enochian, did you try Googling "mercury dime checklist"? Looks like there are a few out there already made...
  18. treylxapi47

    treylxapi47 Well-Known Member Dealer

    Could you not carry your phone charger with you and plug into a wall nearby or in a break room, or behind a trusted vendor? A dead phone seems a little silly to me nowadays with so many options for charging them.
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