Lincoln cent finds

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by PamR, Dec 20, 2023.

  1. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    Hubby surprised me with a few rolls. Found some nice ones.

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  3. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

  4. lardan

    lardan Supporter! Supporter

    You got some nice finds here. Nice photos also.
    PamR likes this.
  5. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter


    Attached Files:

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  6. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    Thank you! I was very surprised to find this many in just a couple of rolls so far.
  7. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

  8. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    You found a BU Wheatie in a roll? That's pretty impressive, if so!
    PamR likes this.
  9. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    Yess I was very shocked. The others as well. He gets those delivered for New Orleans vault. Think maybe some cashing in or just sat. Hubby knows simple rolls of lincolns, I grin lol! All of these from rolls. I’m surprised! IMG_1789.jpeg
  10. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    Finding a Wheat is fun. It happens. But finding an Uncirculated Wheatie with full orginal red mint luster is pretty impressive, as coin roll hunting goes. Sure, it ain't worth a ton of money, but it scores high on the cool-o-meter scale.
  11. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    Yes it was a fun one to find!
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  12. lardan

    lardan Supporter! Supporter

    When I was building my set of Memorial Cents I looked through so many rolls it was amazing to me that I did that, but really enjoyed it. I did this around 20 years ago (started at that time). I have often thought someone would not be able to do that now due to age of the coins in circulation, but after looking at these finds of yours it may still possible. You've posted some nice coins here.

    I think you have to some kind of prerequisite for a coin to be moved to the "save" stack and it was they had to be red to qualify and went from there selecting the best of the red. It is tough to be beat adding a coin to a collection that one has only one cent invested.

    I hope you are on a mission to do the same.
    PamR and lordmarcovan like this.
  13. PamR

    PamR You Never Know! Supporter

    Thank you. I am surprised of some that are in these rolls. Sometimes when he brings some that the store gets in, some or, to say it nicely, ugh lol! Yes they are cents but not sure why, I like them! Abe I guess lol! Before 1982 as @Mountain Man says! :shame:
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