Licinius II I Think

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Inspector43, Feb 6, 2021.

  1. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    I am cleaning one that I think is
    Licinius II, AE follis of Heraclea, AD 321-324.
    Any advice or comments are welcome.
    DN VAL LICIN LICINIVS NOB C, helmeted, cuirassed bust
    left, holding spear and shield.
    IOVI CONSERVATORI, Jupiter standing left, holding Victory
    on globe and sceptre, eagle with wreath in beak at foot
    left, captive at foot right, X over II Mu in right field.
    Mintmark SMH ? Could be A B or Gamma
    RIC VII Heraclea 54.
    I still have work to do.
    Before Photo
    210126182013527-side.jpg Licinius II.jpg
    After Photo
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  3. Spaniard

    Spaniard Well-Known Member

    I must say I'm very impressed with your patient cleaning process!
    SMH? Looks a good call..
    Inspector43 and LaCointessa like this.
  4. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    Thanks. It takes a bit of time, but, I am retired doing it for fun.
  5. LaCointessa

    LaCointessa Well-Known Member

    Hey there @Inspector43 - I look forward to seeing the coin when you decide to stop cleaning. That is always a difficult call to make (for me, at least).

    Can you make out a pterodactyl hand on the obverse?
    Spaniard and Inspector43 like this.
  6. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    I can't make out his hand yet. But it will be skinny and funny looking if I get there. I have to put this one in solution for a few days before I try to get any further. Luckily, I have plenty to work on.
    LaCointessa and Spaniard like this.
  7. LaCointessa

    LaCointessa Well-Known Member

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