Let's see your newest acquisitions!

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by H8_modern, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Ive always wanted one of these types from Ferdinand & Isabella & with my birthday money, I decided to finally get one for my collection.

    Ferdinand & Isabella (1474 - 1504 A.D.)
    AE18 Blanca
    O: FERNANDVS ET ELISABET around I circulate underneath of points that a crowned F contains, with C (mint)
    R: REX ET REGINA CAST LEGION around I circulate of points that one contains and crowned, with star of 6 ends to left and C (mint) to the Variant right: patriarcal cross to the left.
    CUENCA Mint
    Clemente/Cayon p416, 2240
    mark_h, jj00, Effigy303 and 1 other person like this.
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  3. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    Nice coin!
    happy birthday !!
  4. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Thanks, Jello
    jello likes this.
  5. BigTee44

    BigTee44 Well-Known Member

    New members of my herd and a mercury for good measures.

    1913 Buffalo TY1- No Label.jpg 1913 Buffalo TY2 No Label.jpg 1916 Mercury Dime No Label.jpg
    yKnot, Big-Greek, dwhiz and 15 others like this.
  6. Paul_62

    Paul_62 Just takin' it one day at a time

    Got a few new 64 Kennedys the other day, this 64-D stood out to me...

    1964-D sidexside.jpg
    yKnot, geekpryde, dwhiz and 8 others like this.
  7. Agilmore01

    Agilmore01 Well-Known Member

    I will add to the 64 Kennedy theme.
    yKnot, geekpryde, dwhiz and 9 others like this.
  8. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    Agilmore01 likes this.
  9. Paul M.

    Paul M. Well-Known Member

  10. Paul M.

    Paul M. Well-Known Member

    Nice, @Paul_62. :) What stood out about it to you?
  11. BigTee44

    BigTee44 Well-Known Member

    Yea I tried some plastix but it didn't work.
  12. Silverhouse

    Silverhouse Well-Known Member

    Just acquired this beauty for my 1912 Type set. 20 bucks isn't bad. At least not to me. Now I've got to get the 1912 D 1912AU53O.jpg 1912AU53R.jpg
    yKnot, Paul_62, dwhiz and 8 others like this.
  13. Fish paws

    Fish paws Member

    I had a birthday last week. Saved all year for these. The 28s had a few planchet flaws and a scratch on the cheek, but great luster.
    20150528_144744.jpg 20150528_144729.jpg
    Paul_62, dwhiz, gronnh20 and 6 others like this.
  14. Dancing Fire

    Dancing Fire Junior Member

    That's a nice 62 $10 lib.;)
    Fish paws likes this.
  15. Fish paws

    Fish paws Member

    Thanks! I thought it was pretty nice, too. Normally, I hem and haw on the major purchases, but not this time.
  16. onecenter

    onecenter Member

    Agilmore01 likes this.
  17. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    I still have 1 box of 10 sealed 1964 proof and mint set . I wonder if just one set from cents - half would grade that good.
    That is One very important and nice Kennedy half dollar!
    Hugh Stiel and Agilmore01 like this.
  18. Hugh Stiel

    Hugh Stiel Made in New Orleans

    I LOVE YOU, man!!!
  19. Hugh Stiel

    Hugh Stiel Made in New Orleans

    Not new for old time sake image.jpg
    image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
    yKnot, jj00, Dancing Fire and 10 others like this.
  20. Hugh Stiel

    Hugh Stiel Made in New Orleans

  21. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Be still my heart..........:)
    spirityoda, jello and SSG_Gonzo like this.
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