Let's see your newest acquisitions!

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by H8_modern, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    IHC from the coin show. ihcfrt.JPG ihcbck.JPG

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  3. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

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  4. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Always liked the "wildman" obverse on these. Finally got one. Plus the toning was the cherry on top.

    Skyman, yKnot, brg5658 and 11 others like this.
  5. Paul_62

    Paul_62 Just takin' it one day at a time

    Welcome to the forum
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  6. KSorbo

    KSorbo Well-Known Member

    Here's an 1832 CBH I picked up on Ebay. Not sure about the Overton. It doesn't have a lot of reverse detail for a VF 20 but the surfaces look nice so I'm wondering if PCGS bumped it up.

    1832 CBH Obverse.jpg 1832 CBH Reverse.jpg 1832 CBH Slab.jpg
    geekpryde, Blissskr, McBlzr and 8 others like this.
  7. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    Cost for maybe a VF 25 if lucky 30 could be more than you could sell it for But Overton # is could change that to.
    Mikey Zee likes this.
  8. Steve972

    Steve972 Member

    I got this 1912 D NGC XF Details. I got a good price for an XF. They gave it a "Details" designation because of the scratch across the neck. I would think that would be a small reason for a Details grade.
    1912 D.JPG 1912 D (2).JPG 1912 D (3).JPG
    Skyman, Chiefbullsit, Paul_62 and 4 others like this.
  9. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    I agree with you. It looks more like it was struck with something on Obverse die like a piece of wire or metal.
    Steve972 likes this.
  10. Mikey Zee

    Mikey Zee Delenda Est Carthago

    Here's two of mine...a continuing example of a 'budget' half, but nice grade for my replacement 'Type Collection'...and a 'colonial' 1 cent that I recently bought...

    I wish I could afford even higher grades, but my budget-- and even time itself---seem to be an ever constant and annoying issue LOL

    Attached Files:

    Skyman, yKnot, Paul_62 and 8 others like this.
  11. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    Very nice selection and they are beautiful coins.
    spirityoda and Mikey Zee like this.
  12. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Proof silver quarters have arrived! My Favs........

    McBlzr, Skyman, Paul_62 and 14 others like this.
  13. treylxapi47

    treylxapi47 Well-Known Member Dealer

    Here's a pretty scarce little bird.


    Why? You might ask.

    Because there were only 998 minted across the whole series/type over a 20 year period.


    I enjoy mexican coinage and love images of Cuauhtemoc

    I don't venture into moderns often, but when I do, these are the type of coins I am looking to acquire.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
    micbraun, Skyman, yKnot and 10 others like this.
  14. Steve972

    Steve972 Member

    Yes, I like those too!
    green18 and Mikey Zee like this.
  15. Mikey Zee

    Mikey Zee Delenda Est Carthago

    I really like the posts and coins listed.....I think high grade and even proof issues are the best way to go for these types...Lots of eye appeal and added value due to the ever declining population of higher graded coins..and who can't love that image of Cuauhtemoc!!

    Great posts guys!!!
  16. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Another new addition, this time more gold. This makes my third modern gold in my collection. Helps to be dry spell buying ancients !

    Russia 5 Roubles
    Skyman, yKnot, Paul_62 and 11 others like this.
  17. Mikey Zee

    Mikey Zee Delenda Est Carthago

    Czar Nicholas, I presume...and a great looking coin!!
    spirityoda likes this.
  18. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

  19. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

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  20. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    Traded with a friend for IHC and picked up a 1875. Really warn but had fun trading.
    Trading is a great way to pick up coins you need and it's cool seeing other collections and getting rid of duplicates. Have a couple cold ones and have fun. 1875frt.JPG 1875bck.JPG
    Skyman, yKnot, Steve972 and 6 others like this.
  21. Mikey Zee

    Mikey Zee Delenda Est Carthago

    Yeah, I hope to trade a few in the near future...several moderns, but mostly numerous 'Ancients'.
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