Let's see your newest acquisitions!

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by H8_modern, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. gijoe76

    gijoe76 A Penny Saved is a Penny earned

    It has been a little while since I had anything new too post. A couple of recent additions to my 34-58 Lincoln Wheat set [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    yKnot, Chiefbullsit, mark_h and 10 others like this.
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  3. BigTee44

    BigTee44 Well-Known Member

    Got this today for my type set

    Will be sending it to NGC for a new holder.

    image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
    yKnot, Coin-Dude, onecenter and 14 others like this.
  4. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    BigTee44 likes this.
  5. bsowa1029

    bsowa1029 Franklin Half Addict

    I have anxiously been waiting for this one to be delivered since I bought it 10 days ago.
    The seller had one semi decent photo of the obverse and a scan of both sides of the coin in the listing. I could see some nice color in the one decent photo of the obverse and after examining the reverse scan pretty thoroughly, I thought there was a chance of there being some color on the reverse too. When I finally got the coin today I was blown away. The color on this one is SO much better than anything I imagined.

    Here are the sellers pics:

    And here is what I got in the mail:
    1937 D 5C Obv.jpg 1937 D 5C Rev.jpg
    yKnot, Coin-Dude, Varmint and 21 others like this.
  6. MKent

    MKent Well-Known Member

    If you're disappointed with it send it my way. You gotta love it when they are nicer in hand.
    spirityoda likes this.
  7. kSigSteve

    kSigSteve Active Member

    Picked this up at my local shop. I saw something in the display case that had fallen to the bottom. I told the owner if he fished it out I would buy it no matter what. Ended up being a fractional note and I got it for 8 bucks. I have no idea the worth but it's paper from 1863. So cool.
    OldGoldGuy, mark_h, gronnh20 and 8 others like this.
  8. Agilmore01

    Agilmore01 Well-Known Member

    Looks like it's from Low Country Coin. If it is, they come to some of the shows I attend. Very nice guys and fairly accurate with their grades they put on their flips.
  9. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    I got this in change today a 2005 West Virginia Bridge is Out striking error.
    I have seen a few MS 66 before. 20150217_201256-1.jpg 20150217_202041-1.jpg 20150217_201306-1.jpg 20150217_201256-1.jpg 20150217_202041-1.jpg 20150217_201306-1.jpg
    25c you can Get cheaper.
  10. bsowa1029

    bsowa1029 Franklin Half Addict

    It is from them. I looked through a lot of their other listings today. I saw a lot of good stuff, and I do agree their grades seemed to be pretty accurate for the most part.
  11. Agilmore01

    Agilmore01 Well-Known Member

    Heritage pickup.
    yKnot, Paul_62, SSG_Gonzo and 7 others like this.
  12. kSigSteve

    kSigSteve Active Member

  13. kSigSteve

    kSigSteve Active Member

    Got my first 3 cent. Also another large, I think the best grade I own. What do you all think of it's grade?
    image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
    Paul_62, robec, mark_h and 7 others like this.
  14. JPeace$

    JPeace$ Coinaholic

    Some great NEWPS people!
  15. Hommer

    Hommer Curator of Semi Precious Coinage

  16. Fish paws

    Fish paws Member

    kSigSteve likes this.
  17. Fish paws

    Fish paws Member

    I picked this one up on Monday - NGC MS65 RB. Has real nice radial luster, and an almost coffee-colored toning when seen in hand.

    27LCobv.jpg 27LCrev.jpg
    yKnot, Coin-Dude, JPeace$ and 11 others like this.
  18. Morgandude11

    Morgandude11 As long as it's Silver, I'm listening

    My 2015 Kennedys just came for my Dansco album--P, D, and S. I keep all the proofs separate. The whole collection is MS 65 or above for all years. DSC00721.JPG DSC00722.JPG
    Paul_62, Blissskr, robec and 3 others like this.
  19. Jaelus

    Jaelus The Hungarian Antiquarian Supporter

    New pickup, 8 Reales 1821 Zs (Zacatecas) AZ/RG variety. NGC XF45. One of the last Spanish dollars minted in Mexico.

    Chiefbullsit, Blissskr, jj00 and 5 others like this.
  20. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    That one Nice looking coin !
  21. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    wow sweet coin. :jimlad:
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