Let's see your newest acquisitions!

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by H8_modern, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. LionelR

    LionelR Supporter! Supporter

    I'm pleased with the newest addition to my Type Set.
    Seller's pictures. Thanks for checking it out!
    1885SeatedDimeObverse.jpg 1885SeatedDimeReverse.jpg
    JPeace$, gronnh20, dwhiz and 14 others like this.
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  3. Hommer

    Hommer Curator of Semi Precious Coinage

  4. WingedLiberty

    WingedLiberty Well-Known Member

  5. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    Chiefbullsit likes this.
  6. Chiefbullsit

    Chiefbullsit CRAZY HORSE

    WL, that coin is awesome. How would you describe the red color in front of Lincolns face?
    jello likes this.
  7. WingedLiberty

    WingedLiberty Well-Known Member

    ChiefBull, this is a difficult coin to photograph through the slab. However here are two attempts I made using my iPhone camera in indirect sunlight (sorry about all the glare). The TrueView photo above is accurate to the in-hand look.

    mark_h, MKent, robec and 4 others like this.
  8. easj3699

    easj3699 Well-Known Member

    I bought this the other day because I think the dealer thought it more wear then weak strike, I bought it raw and sent it in along with my avatar coin that also got bumped up a couple points.

    100_2878.JPG 100_2883.JPG 100_2886.JPG
    robec, bsowa1029, gronnh20 and 7 others like this.
  9. MKent

    MKent Well-Known Member

    jello likes this.
  10. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    die variety none I can think of. Wexler may have it Potter??
  11. micbraun

    micbraun coindiccted

    My first FE cent... not in unc but I had to get one NOW :)

    Chiefbullsit, dwhiz, JPeace$ and 12 others like this.
  12. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    or under a truck
    bsowa1029 likes this.
  13. Blissskr

    Blissskr Well-Known Member

    Added these to the stack from MCM's Ebay deal a little while back. 2015ase.jpg
    dwhiz, Paul_62, JPeace$ and 8 others like this.
  14. mark_h

    mark_h Somewhere over the rainbow

    Three new ones in OGH's. I think all are graded correctly. Bag marks are not as bad in hand.

  15. gronnh20

    gronnh20 Well-Known Member

  16. bsowa1029

    bsowa1029 Franklin Half Addict

    1946 S 10C Obv.jpg 1946 S 10C Rev.jpg 1857 O 10C Obv.jpg 1857 O 10C Rev.jpg

    I tried doing a little research to figure out which Overton this CBH is. I think it's a small 0, O-114.
    If anyone can verify this for me I'd appreciate it!
    1830 50C 0-114 Obv.jpg 1830 50C O-114 Rev.jpg 1830 50C O-114 Rev2.jpg
  17. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    Last edited: Feb 16, 2015
    bsowa1029 likes this.
  18. bsowa1029

    bsowa1029 Franklin Half Addict

    Thanks, that's some good info on the dime. I was wondering about the half, though. I could only find two varieties for the date, a small 0 and a large 0 in the date. To me, this one looks like the small 0. I just wasn't sure if the information I found was accurate and/or complete.
  19. carboni7e

    carboni7e aka MonsterCoinz

    Beautiful. I asked the seller change that one to BIN and then I fell asleep and it sold. lol glad it went into good hands!
  20. geekpryde

    geekpryde Husband and Father Moderator

    CT been quiet lately!
    OldGoldGuy likes this.
  21. MKent

    MKent Well-Known Member

    The sellers pictures didn't do it justice either, but the PCGS pics for this are awesome great job and a bargain too.
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