Let's see your exonumia!

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Detecto92, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    Some old and cool good luck good as cash and trade tokens for clothing stores.

    1922 J Nathan Puritain Clothing Store - Good as Cash token

    Clothing On Credit Menter -Good for One Dollar - Trade this in for Good Luck
    "I have another one that is the same but reads "Trade this in for Gold" "

    1939 Albert Richard Sport Coats and he designed NFL Football Maps clothf.JPG clothingb.JPG
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  3. Circus

    Circus Tokens Only !! TEC#4981

    A couple of lucky penny pieces.
    And a copper round casino dollar
  4. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    Cool I like them
  5. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    I posted this before but it fits in here.
    OdedPaz, longnine009, jello and 4 others like this.
  6. Circus

    Circus Tokens Only !! TEC#4981

    Four local to me souvenir half and dollar tokens in Macomb and Oakland county Michigan
    Wheatmaster101, Jwt708, dwhiz and 3 others like this.
  7. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    jello likes this.
  8. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    Cruise Ship Medals
    Large nice Cunard Princess
    Queen Elizabeth II
    The Francis Ulock crf.JPG crclf.JPG crb.JPG
    OdedPaz, dwhiz, Circus and 2 others like this.
  9. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    1941 - 1971 300th Annv. Lindsborg Kansas
    1984 Canada Niagara Falls kf.JPG kanb.JPG
  10. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    2000 Makers of Millennium Series milf.JPG milb.JPG
  11. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    Today, I received this nice German silver proof m grmf.JPG gmrb.JPG edal. I was so pumped when wife gave this to me today.
    Originally I thought it was German coin and posted it under German coins. Since it's not coin but a medal, I believe it should be with this thread to share.

    1749 - 1832 Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
    1995 Deutschland - reverse
    Circus, Jwt708 and jello like this.
  12. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    49ers likes this.
  13. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    I really appreciate that. All coins and medals from everyone are great whether there valuable or not worn or mint they are special to them and that's what matters.
    ldhair and jello like this.
  14. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    Well said it's history behind the item that matters. New or worn the memory is what matters Never the grade!
    longnine009, Jwt708 and 49ers like this.
  15. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    Thank you
    jello likes this.
  16. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    History is fun.
    Jwt708, Circus, longnine009 and 2 others like this.
  17. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    I would like to own that. Very cool
  18. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    Alabamaseqtenalset.jpg Alabamaseqtenalset2.jpg Alabamaseqtenalset3.jpg Alabamaseqtenalset5.jpg Alabamaseqtenalset6.jpg Alabamaseqtenalset4.jpg Alabamaseqtenalset12.jpg
    Here one I pass by every time I walk down the hall.It's Franklin mint set . Space and Rocket center/ Space Camp had made .this one I found at a yard sale. Rim has sterling silver engraved on them all Reverse all have issued for 150th state Anniversary.
  19. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

  20. BRandM

    BRandM Counterstamp Collector

    Nice old HTT Idhair. I've seen the same image of the eagle on other tokens as well...I like it very much. This is one of those advertising cards where you get a good bang for your buck. It's hard to believe how much info they can fit in that small space. Don't suppose they could find a place for their wive's names.:D

    Also like the NY prohibition token with the upside down glass. Very clever!

    49ers likes this.
  21. Jwt708

    Jwt708 Well-Known Member

    Just thought I'd vent here a little...

    Been cataloging and labeling all my Air Force trade tokens and it has taken me hours! Jeez...lesson learned, do it as I get them instead of later!

    Ok. I feel better.

    Nice tokens @Idhair
    longnine009, BRandM and 49ers like this.
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