Featured Learn About Die Doubling...

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by jtwax, Jan 21, 2005.

  1. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    I think I know what Benjamin was saying, but not to put words in his mouth, I will repeat the impression that it is machine doubling on the date, and that the part above the 2 might be a die chip. The reason it can't be an underlying "1" is apparent if you look at a photo of the 1942/1 P or D mercury variety. The "1" is to the very front of the 2, about at the upper serif of the "2". The spacing is different for the 1941 date due to the "1" being narrower than the "2", and the date was applied all at same time and not one number at a time.

    Welcome to the forum Retired!

    Jim ( also retired ) :)
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  3. retired

    retired Junior Member

    thanks Benjamin & Jim the info is correct did some digging came up with same conclution this sight is great for getting up front honest answers thanks Steve, I have another strange oddity maybe you can answer this one 55d linc rim.jpg
  4. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    It maybe a coin that was encased sometime they can leave what looks like reeds on a rim.but close up photo of the rim may show more?:kewl:
  5. kss1097

    kss1097 Junior Member

    i have a quarter that has some small indentation on it -are there any more with the same out there - my quarter is the massachusetts.
  6. cindy10006

    cindy10006 Junior Member

    does anyone have a coin with touch up engraving as seen on potters site. I think that is what I have on my 1969 D lincoln cent the last 9 is so wide and seems to be this touch up engraving.
    Thelionwarrior likes this.
  7. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

  8. fireworldwide

    fireworldwide fireworldwideinc2020

  9. mikediamond

    mikediamond Coin Collector

    It's machine doubling, not a doubled die.
  10. rockdude

    rockdude Coin Collector

  11. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    Yep, lets wait and see, Iam curious as well!!
  12. rockdude

    rockdude Coin Collector

    Here's his reply;
    "I have been told that recently but i can't edit the description now unfortunatly.
    Thank you for that info though"
    I see he has no return policy but it's not what he has described so you could probably return it.
    This is why it's so important to know the difference between a MD and true 'doubled die'.
  13. coinhawk

    coinhawk Junior Member

    thank you! a fantastic read, a must i think for all of us to read who love our coins "errors" always wanting more at finger tips..
  14. Celartu

    Celartu Accoutant, retired

    jtmax : This contribution helps us all, thanks :desk:
  15. Jammed

    Jammed Junior Member

    Just what I needed too know, Thanks, for posting.
  16. Celartu

    Celartu Accoutant, retired

    Thanks for such valuable assistance:hatch:
  17. KingsAndEights

    KingsAndEights New Member

    Are the Initial links dead?

    None of them work for me now? I wanted to reference these to a friend but they don't seem to be working any longer. Anyone else able to view them still?
  18. ikandiggit

    ikandiggit Currency Error Collector

  19. coinsguy2010

    coinsguy2010 Junior Member

    An Error is an Error to me..If you like it pay it..No Biggie
  20. Himins

    Himins New Member

    What a great article, so much to learn, so little time

    Very unselfish of you to share this information. I am going to enjoy learning from such knowledgable folks. I did locate this penny, and would love to hear any opinion on how such an error happened. Is this penny a good find, or rather common? I noticed doubling under the chin, nose, date, mint, penny 1968 s.jpg well virtually every place in varying degrees
  21. Sgt Smith

    Sgt Smith Smith*s Silver

    2010 P 5 oz yellowstone date 1.jpg 2010 P 5 oz yellowstone PLUR 1.jpg 2010 P 5 oz yellowstone mouth of President Washington 1.jpg SO what do we have here with this 2010 P 5 Oz Yellowstone? I am new to the game. If its machine doubling will it cause the coin to go down in grade?
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