Latest Good CRH Finds - Quarters

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by AZSteve, Nov 22, 2020.

  1. AZSteve

    AZSteve Well-Known Member

    After 55 year hiatus, restarted collecting in Aug 2020, with concentration on quarters, since most variety there. Since then it took me 120 rolls to find my first silver Quarter. Then about 40 more rolls with some upgrades and holes filled, all clad. On last lot of 15 rolls I found more silver; in fact, 5 in one roll, and 4 more in the rest of those rolls > 44, 46, 46D, 54D, 56, 58D, and three 64's. None were upgrades, since most of what I had from those dates were collected 55 years ago. Also found 2 more W's (a bit dinged up), shown below. That's 7 W's found since August (with 2 Weirs and 2 Samoas).
    2019W-SanAntonioMsns,Obv.JPG 2019W-SanAntonioMsns,Rev.JPG 2020W-WeirFarm2,Obv.JPG 2020W-WeirFarm2,Rev.JPG
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  3. Wizank

    Wizank Well-Known Member

    It has been at least 3 years since finding my last silver quarter in a roll, great finds. My searching has been scattered because none of my banks will order a box for me. yesterday, I got $200 from one bank, $200 from another bank, and $200 from a third bank ( hehe). When I got home, I noticed that one group of $200 was marked by another searcher already, oh, well, that is the life of a searcher.
  4. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter


    Excellent pictures by the way.
    I wish I could take sharp closeups like you do.
  5. AZSteve

    AZSteve Well-Known Member

    Paddyman98 > I just use an inexpensive 2 megapixel Plugable Digital Microscope (recommended elsewhere on this site) connected to a Windows computer, and use the built-in Windows camera software. I set the microscope height to fill about 95% of the screen height with the coin. Then ya just gotta be careful focusing it while you view the image on the computer screen, which is easier when it's big on the screen. As long as you don't change the setup (mainly, the height) you shouldn't need to focus again - but of course, you should know that by what you see on the computer screen. I also set the Sharpness on the computer software to max, and automatic color balance to about 4500K.

    After taking the pictures, I open them up with the built-in Windows picture-viewing software, then click Edit to 1) straighten them (if necessary), 2) crop them square (as you see above) and 3) maybe adjust the color a bit. Then re-save.
    paddyman98 likes this.
  6. AZSteve

    AZSteve Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I put a big "X" on each when I re-roll them so the CU/Bank knows to not give those back to me at a later date. The lot I'm looking at now wasn't marked by anyone, but I suspect that another collector has already gone thru it - very unproductive!
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