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Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by tonylynch, Dec 30, 2007.

  1. tonylynch

    tonylynch RMO Collector

    But not in the usual way I find coins (searching rolls, or in change). I was walking through the older part of town, taking pictures, and saw something shiny on the curb. It was a Seated Bust Dime. With where it was located, I'm pretty sure it fell from someone's pocket when they dug out their keys, since it was near a parking spot. No cars around at that time of the morning, so no telling. I'll go by the store on Monday to see if someone has asked for it.

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  3. tonylynch

    tonylynch RMO Collector

    And the Reverse

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  4. Jako lipo

    Jako lipo New Member

    by the look of it it looooks like a pocket piece
  5. Phoenix21

    Phoenix21 Well-Known Member

    Wow, awesome find. That's pretty cool. :kewl: :thumb:

    Phoenix :cool:
  6. Dockwalliper

    Dockwalliper Coin Hoarder

    Thats the risk of carrying a dime for a pocket piece.
  7. Coinlover

    Coinlover The Coin Collector

    probaly was someones pocket piece. finders keepers!:kewl: thats the sad thing about money you can't trust anyone if they claim they lost it.
  8. rickyb

    rickyb With a name like Ricky...

    nice find!!!
  9. andy21us

    andy21us Coin Hoarder

    That is a nice find.
  10. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

  11. USS656

    USS656 Here to Learn Supporter

    If you do - just say you found an old dime. If someone can identify the year and type it's theirs. Not likely that anyone ever will as it was probably a pocket piece, and in rough shape, it's not likely that the owner will really go looking for it. They will probably just pick a new pocket piece from their collection.

    Regardless - cool find!
  12. Jim M

    Jim M Ride it like ya stole it

    I lost it. : ) I can identify it too. Looks just like the one in the picture..

    Great eye, keep your head down!..
  13. USS656

    USS656 Here to Learn Supporter

    LOL - Reminds me of a time I stepped right over a $100 outside a bar at night. Fortunately my wife was behind me and spotted it. She asked me in all sincerity if there was any reason I didn't stop and pick it up - she is so funny! She hates keeping found money as she thinks it's unlucky - so I took it. After about an hour, I went and asked the bar tender if anyone was looking for something they lost and he said no. I spent it the next day - lesson - keep your keys in a different pocket than your money - especially if you are at a bar!
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