Just for fun

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by bruthajoe, Nov 25, 2019.


Do you think the government should stop making pennies

  1. yes

    9 vote(s)
  2. no

    6 vote(s)
  3. only if we can trade them in for nickles

    2 vote(s)
  1. bruthajoe

    bruthajoe Still Recovering

    Hang, chat, comment, criticize, bring your wierd stuff :wacky: 191124_191622.jpg
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  3. bruthajoe

    bruthajoe Still Recovering

    Should I open it? 191125_005325.jpg
  4. bruthajoe

    bruthajoe Still Recovering

    191124_192007.jpg :singing: SILVER AND GOLD OR ANYTHING OLD :singing:
    Chris B likes this.
  5. bruthajoe

    bruthajoe Still Recovering

    Who just 191125_022606.jpg likes nice photos??

    Attached Files:

  6. Islander80-83

    Islander80-83 Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Nov 25, 2019
  7. PlanoSteve

    PlanoSteve Well-Known Member

    (1) No :singing:
    (2) Paradise with a pair 'a dice? :smuggrin:
    (3) Ah,...….yes! ;)
    (4) A token of their appreciation? :confused:
    (5) Me! :happy:
    (6) Yes, definitely! :jawdrop:;)
    spirityoda and bruthajoe like this.
  8. bruthajoe

    bruthajoe Still Recovering

    Decisions decisions. I think maybe I have enough to sort through.

    Attached Files:

    Inspector43 and PlanoSteve like this.
  9. bruthajoe

    bruthajoe Still Recovering

    I tend to get ahead of myself and never finish what I start.:nailbiting:
  10. bruthajoe

    bruthajoe Still Recovering

    If you do, post your best one here!
  11. bruthajoe

    bruthajoe Still Recovering

    Coin collectors response to the question... "Do you have change of a dollar"?
    "Yes, do you?
  12. Amos 811

    Amos 811 DisMember

    They have to sooner or later.
    bruthajoe likes this.
  13. bruthajoe

    bruthajoe Still Recovering

    last time I found silver in circulation... Not hunting. 5 years ago
  14. PlanoSteve

    PlanoSteve Well-Known Member

    It could be worse. Those cups could be only filled with beer!...wait, what? :jawdrop::smuggrin:
    bruthajoe likes this.
  15. bruthajoe

    bruthajoe Still Recovering

    Who? has to what?
  16. bruthajoe

    bruthajoe Still Recovering

    Retract that or I will report lol
    PlanoSteve likes this.
  17. bruthajoe

    bruthajoe Still Recovering

    I always said it must be bad if your picking up pennies off the ground. Now I'm picking up pennies off the ground.
    PlanoSteve likes this.
  18. Amos 811

    Amos 811 DisMember

    Do you think the government should stop making pennies
  19. bruthajoe

    bruthajoe Still Recovering

    What does a broke coin collector say?....
    I ain't got two pennies that rubbed together!
    or that didn't rub together, perhaps???:blackeye:
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2019
  20. bruthajoe

    bruthajoe Still Recovering

    Oh yes, you should vote. Oh I see you did, I guess you dont get alerts for that. Seems to be more and more common in other nations. Should we hoard!!!? :nailbiting:
  21. Amos 811

    Amos 811 DisMember

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