John Oliver Takes on the Penny

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by PS-CT, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. PS-CT

    PS-CT New Member

    Some compelling arguments from the HBO show Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.

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  3. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Already linked in an earlier thread, but since your thread has a descriptive title and your comment is actually coherent, I vote that we have the discussion here. :)
    green18 and Amos 811 like this.
  4. USS656

    USS656 Here to Learn Supporter

    That was funny. Thanks!
    Daniel Jones likes this.
  5. Daniel Jones

    Daniel Jones Well-Known Member

    Why won't government stop producing the cent? Well, one thing government is REALLY, REALLY good at is wasting tax payer dollars, I dare say.
    spirityoda likes this.
  6. PennyGuy

    PennyGuy US and CDN Copper

    As I have replied to the other threads on this subject...

    Why not stop production of the cent, everything else I collect is obsolete.
  7. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    John Oliver is hilarious!


    He makes some excellent points. Continuing to make Lincoln Cents and Paper Dollars is just ignorance.
  8. mark_h

    mark_h Somewhere over the rainbow

    That was funny. Why don't they throw pennies my way - I sure in the heck pick up any lose change I see.
    Daniel Jones likes this.
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