JFK Coins and Chronicles set

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by TX15FX4, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. Silver Boozer

    Silver Boozer New Member

    Got mine this afternoon. They actually look great, I compared them to the photos on hear and could not find any of the problems shown. I do see a lot of very fine black lint pieces and thats about it. Has it always been that if its a medal and does not have any monetary value they do not mark it 99.9 1 Troy ounce fine silver? I just noticed this difference. I learn something new each day. John
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  3. TX15FX4

    TX15FX4 Active Member

    You can't possibly say all that and not post any pics, haha. Pics please.
  4. Silver Boozer

    Silver Boozer New Member

    all I have is a tablet, got rid of my smart phone for a stupid one. Now I feel stupid but I love my 12.2 samsung tablet. It takes great pictures, just not right for coins like the ones posted already. sorry. John
  5. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Marking it as such would ruin the beauty of the medal, eh, what? Let's not give the folks at the mint any ideas......
    Silver Boozer likes this.
  6. charlietig

    charlietig Well-Known Member

    I got a smartphone, but I call it a dumbphone
    Silver Boozer likes this.
  7. chuck123

    chuck123 Active Member

    I couldn't get through. The web site crashed so I went to phone and couldn't get through. Went to web site later in afternoon and got a backorder for one set so who knows. The mint needs to improve service or it might find that the complaints out number the orders.
  8. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    When I looked just now, the button said "Add to Bag", not "Back Ordered" -- not sure of the significance, but it is a change from before.
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