JFK Coins and Chronicles set

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by TX15FX4, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. Rassi

    Rassi #GoCubs #FlyTheW #WeAreGood

    Don't forget those who want a complete set of the Presidential Dollars...
    rickmp likes this.
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  3. motts

    motts New Member

    i went on at 12 pm and i had a few issues with being disconnected from the site. i kept trying and kept ordering one set and i still had trouble getting through. the next time i changed to 2 sets and order went right through. i went back on about 10 minutes later and i ordered another one and that went through. i went back on 5 minutes later and tried to order 1 more and it stated that the household limit was reached. when i i checked my emails and it said my order had shipped i had 2 different orders for 1 set each. so i guess my order for the 3rd set was flagged. i just checked the website and apparently you can still order them. why would anybody pay even 5 dollars more than issue price when you can still get them from the mint. makes no sense. we will see what happens when the johnson set goes on sale with only a 25000 mintage
  4. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

  5. charlie123

    charlie123 Well-Known Member

    Dead in the water for flippers. One set just closed at $71. I was able to cancel one order this AM.
  6. Hommer

    Hommer Curator of Semi Precious Coinage

    Got shipping conformation on my 2.
  7. EasyE418

    EasyE418 Ca$h Money collector

    For some, locked mine in at $85 a set. Small profit, but it'll cover beer and pizza. Almost not worth the time.
  8. charlie123

    charlie123 Well-Known Member

    After fees, it will cover a medium one topping pizza, no beer.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
  9. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Right now, on the after market, the supply seems unlimited. I'll wait until they become much harder to find before I flip. I'm hoping that as the supply thins, the value will go up.
  10. Tater

    Tater Coin Collector

    Maybe a $5 hot n ready.
  11. jwitten

    jwitten Well-Known Member

    He had several sets like me, so even a small profit multiplied enough times equals a decent profit.
  12. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    Someone posted on Mint News Blog that first day sales were 45,613. Should see a sell out today?

    Looks like 50k is the correct, fairest mintage. Wonder if Johnson will be raised to 50k or will we have to deal with another sell out in less than 15 minutes?
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
  13. stewart dandis

    stewart dandis Well-Known Member

    How many sets are you expecting jw?
  14. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    Mintage Limit: None
    Product Limit: 50,000
    Household Order Limit: 2
  15. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Yesterday afternoon, I received an email from the mint saying my sets had shipped along with a tracking number. Fedex still shows the package has not been picked up but only that a shipping label has been created.
    Has the mint found a new way to screw up orders?
  16. jwitten

    jwitten Well-Known Member

    No, this is how they all have been. I had one that did not show any updates on the fedex page until the day they were being delivered. Not sure if it is the mint or fedex messing this up.
  17. jwitten

    jwitten Well-Known Member

    I am shipping to 12 addresses. 6 orders got in before the backorder, and 6 after. And I know you do not approve of that. But I am trying to help there be a sellout, so that these can go up in value for everyone ;)
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
    Travlntiques and slamster17 like this.
  18. TX15FX4

    TX15FX4 Active Member

    LOL!!! Thanks, we appreciate it.
  19. stewart dandis

    stewart dandis Well-Known Member

    Super, I know you're proud.
  20. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Yeah, you're the best. I don't know how to thank you.
  21. jwitten

    jwitten Well-Known Member

    Just sold another for another $45 profit. Not sure why people are buying mine when there are cheaper ones out there.. but oh well :)
    treylxapi47 likes this.
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