JFK Coins and Chronicles set

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by TX15FX4, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. derkerlegand

    derkerlegand Well-Known Member

    03549XXX AND 03550XXX
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  3. derkerlegand

    derkerlegand Well-Known Member

    ...and 50,000 troy ozs Ag :D
  4. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Uh . . . No.
    They are not 1 oz., and they are not gold.
  5. derkerlegand

    derkerlegand Well-Known Member

  6. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Oops. On more than one count, too.
    derkerlegand and green18 like this.
  7. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Got a 'tracker'..........showing shipped.........nothing pops in the FDX system so I'll wait 24 hours before I try and track it again. I'll hazard a guess my sets will be here Monday or Tuesday.
  8. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Mine has shipped, too.
  9. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

    I can't belive it, I received an email from the mint saying it's shipped :D
    treylxapi47 likes this.
  10. jwitten

    jwitten Well-Known Member

    2 of 12 for me have shipped. 6 of 12 looks like I made it before back ordered, so 4 more of those are still processing. The last 6 orders are showing backordered. I think there are less than 5,000 left at the mint, so hopefully these sell out by tomorrow or so.
  11. jwitten

    jwitten Well-Known Member

    Just sold my first on ebay. After all fees, $45 bucks profit. Not too shabby. Hopefully the rest go higher.
    slamster17 likes this.
  12. YoYoSpin

    YoYoSpin Active Member

    I’d like to know how many flippers cancelled their order when they realized that the set would not be an instant sellout. My guess is that 10,000 or more of those “40,000 in the first hour” were cancelled.
  13. jwitten

    jwitten Well-Known Member

    Eh, I doubt they were canceled that fast. I just made $45 on my first sale, and they are not even sold out yet.
  14. bryantallard

    bryantallard show me the money....so i can look through it

    ABSOLUTELY!!! sometimes i see something as simple as an off center that somebody got in pocket change, has no idea it's relatively common (especially on the early state quarters) they think it's super rare and list it for $1000 OBO.
  15. crusherjc

    crusherjc Junior Member

    I had a hard time finalizing my order, but I got an order thru and my wife got a order get thru too!!
    my# USM03543XXX
    hers# USM03549XXX
    mine showed in stock when I ordered, her's said backordered to 10/16/15 when her order went thru...
  16. cooper

    cooper Active Member

    Yeah, they are sold out. Back order now....They didn't say anything about backorder when I ordered mine. Now I go to see about shipping and I'm on backorder. So they have my money until they decide to send me my order.
    So when I get my CC statement next month and don't have anything to show for it what do I do? Tell CC company "NO" I haven't received anything or do I wait on the mint?
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2015
  17. Silver Boozer

    Silver Boozer New Member

    mine our back ordered when I got them @ 1:55 pm. My order # is 35595xx. I have my order summary and order acknowledgment.
  18. jwitten

    jwitten Well-Known Member

    So much wrong with this post. Backorder does not mean sold out. It means they have to mint more before they can ship to you. They are still up for sale though, so not sold out yet. Also, they may have pinged your card, but they will cancel that until they ship. Once they ship, they will re-charge you.
  19. cooper

    cooper Active Member

    BG in my book if I'm on backorder their out!!! Easy for you to say, you got yours. But I've got to wait on the US Gov. Good luck with that. I'm not going to say anymore tonight.. I'm pretty PO'd
  20. YoYoSpin

    YoYoSpin Active Member

    12 + hours...still not sold out.
  21. charlietig

    charlietig Well-Known Member

    For the..... however many times this has been said.... You are not out if your order is on backorder... I should know. I collect Hot Wheels, when Mattel does a special sale... everything is on back order! Even up to 2 years! and yet it still comes as you ordered it.
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