I actually own 3 of these. Believe it or not, a reputable seller on Ebay used to sell real ones a decade ago. I bought quite a bit from him before the prices got too low for him to mess with Ebay. Lots of judaic, greek, roman, and islamic lamps, glassware, etc.
So he can make a stage dispensary but not a deck of cards? You know, I thought he was a Magician before when I first heard of him, and then I thought, eh, can't be. Ruben
I met him years ago at CICF. Hopefully I iwll have a chance to meet him again soon. I sure buy enough of his coins at auctions.
Well usually accompany a vine, so I believe it was a grape leaf or similar. Jewish coins always has innocuous design elements. It was against their religion to depict any symbol of their religion or people on their coins.
Ahhhh!!! Of Course, how could i miss that. I was thinking that is doesn't specifically look like a maple leaf and there are no maple trees that I've ever seen in Israel. Ah Hah! Now that makes my day!. Ruben