I've got a real OFFICIAL "double heads" coin . . . . . !

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by ZoidMeister, Nov 6, 2020.

  1. ZoidMeister

    ZoidMeister Hamlet Squire of Tomfoolery . . . . .

    I'm not talking about a magician's coin or a fake double heads / double tails coin, this one was officially issued in 1965 in England. It has two "heads."

    Yeah I know, the dated side is considered the "obverse" and the non dated side is the "reverse" but I'm thinking this isn't the only coin that could be considered a "double heads" coin. I'm thinking one could successfully use this in a "Heads, I Win / Tails, You Lose" decision without being branded a "cheater."

    This can't be the only double heads coin out there. Let's see yours . . . . . .

    Qualifiers: just because a coin has a "person" on the reverse and you can see their face, does not qualify it. I'm talking about double profile / double bust image coins.

    Here's mine. It's a 1965 Churchill Crown.



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  3. mrweaseluv

    mrweaseluv Supporter! Supporter

    Not mine (though i have one somewhere lol) but my fav 2 headed coin/medal :D
    ZoidMeister and paddyman98 like this.
  4. happy_collector

    happy_collector Well-Known Member

    Another possibility of official "double heads" coin is full brockage errors. :happy:
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