I've been trying to reach Denly's of Boston for several days at 781 326-9481

Discussion in 'Paper Money' started by Browns Fan, Nov 13, 2024.

  1. Browns Fan

    Browns Fan Active Member

    No answer. Can load my cart on their site but won't allow checkout/ Have they closed?
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  3. ToughCOINS

    ToughCOINS Dealer Member Moderator

    Most recent inventory added to the website 8/20 . . . 2023!

    No shows listed on their show schedule either.
    Dynoking and Browns Fan like this.
  4. Notaphylic_C

    Notaphylic_C Well-Known Member

    I believe he had some health issues as I saw this topic on the PMF.

    Be as it may, nobody who's tried to purchase from his site are receiving their notes so it would probably be prudent to try someone else.
    Browns Fan and SteveInTampa like this.
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