Its in God awfull quality/ but RRRRR (Unique)

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by panzerman, Feb 24, 2024.

  1. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    I noticed \Aureo & Calico had this unsold item on offer for starting price (1200) euros.
    After reading Spanish description/ I bought it. Most of the medieval St. John types are in deplorable shape from Spanish mints. This one was graded MBC=VF
    AV Florin d'oro ND
    Mallorca Mint
    Marti I 1396-1410 King of Aragon/ Valencia/ Mallorca/ Sicily

    Always nice to have a coin that is unique (have 6 so far) lot_65aa6abc84ec37792de22c40_images_lrkm8x75chx9awz7.jpg
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  3. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

  4. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    I have bunch of Nepalese gold/ AV Dam (1/64) Mohar to 1 Mohar. Have the 1/32 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 from Suredra Bikram Shah 1847-81
  5. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Girvan Yuddha Bikkram Shah was king from 1799-1816. He took the throne at age 1 1/2 He died at age 19.
    kountryken and panzerman like this.
  6. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    Do not have any from him....yet!
    Pickin and Grinin likes this.
  7. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    Some Nepalese gold coins are nice, but they are way too expensive for my liking.
    Pickin and Grinin and panzerman like this.
  8. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    I LIKE Assamese AV coins/ very $$$$ but rare.
  9. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Agreed I got a good deal on the one above because the dealer had no idea what it was.
    He is a metals guy. But still I paid pretty hefty for a coin that weighs less than a gram.
  10. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    Pickin and Grinin and panzerman like this.
  11. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    Still rarer then a 1933 Double Eagle/ and you paid 1/100000000th.
  12. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

  13. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    Have you received a reply?
    panzerman likes this.
  14. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    Yeah/ I just got home/ took my lovely Rottie for a 10K walk.
    Duncan said it was About uncirculated. The last time I saw an Assamese AV Mohur it sold for $4500US in EF.2015
    So/ I bought it/ thanks so much for alerting me to it.
  15. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    You are very welcome. :)
    panzerman likes this.
  16. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    Are you sure your payment went through? Because the option to buy it still shows up for me, while if you had bought it should say "This item is out of stock".
    panzerman likes this.
  17. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    He said he will send banking info tomorrow for wire:)
  18. robp

    robp Well-Known Member

    Well done. :)

    There is a real feeling of satisfaction when you pick up the only known example. I know because I have 2 or 3 dozen examples. The only down side is that come the time to sell, unless a unique coin is from a widely collected series, the demand is limited. Something a majority of collectors will not appreciate.

    They tend to be off the market for 5, 10, 20 years or more and and for most are essentially unobtainable. They often go under the radar to the benefit of the knowledgeable - just as you took the trouble to read the blurb.
    GeorgeM, mlov43 and panzerman like this.
  19. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Seem's the biggest problem is getting new collectors to a series, That seems like the time to sell. I hope the coin above doesn't get sold for 60 years. I will be long gone. I am just a caretaker. There are many of these coins that never see the market, and still haven't been seen.
    GeorgeM and panzerman like this.
  20. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    Yeah/ I still have NEVER seen a AV Solidus of Eastern Roman Emperor Leontius I 484-88AD. Sear states there are 5-7 exs known.
    I remember back in 1990s when NFA auctioned off a MS aureus of usurper Saturninus in FDC quality for 400K a bargain.
  21. Croatian Coin Collector

    Croatian Coin Collector Supporter! Supporter

    Pickin and Grinin and panzerman like this.
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