It’s Rare – can it possibly be real?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Collect89, May 31, 2009.

  1. coinman0456

    coinman0456 Coin Collector

    Differing opinions

    I am not an overly sensitive individual . I happen to be a disabled person , combined with being legally blind. I utilize a magnifier screen but more often than not, it simply magnifies my blurred vision depending on how well or not my medication is working on any given day. So I realize , I'm not seeing the whole picture for what it is a good portion of the time. There was a time when that was not so. So I take most of the differing opinions with great regard for their ability to see the whole picture far better than I.

    Having said that, as I replied to IDHAIR, afford the other participating members to read your stated opinions and why you feel they are justified and not use this forum inappropriately and make rude personal comments.

    Thats just unacceptable.

    I probably need to limit my observations.

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  3. SCNuss

    SCNuss Senior Member

    Can you compare the weight, diameter, etc., with a confirmed real coin's specifications? That should help prove it's authenticity.
  4. coinman0456

    coinman0456 Coin Collector

    coin in question

    I am not the pwner of the coin in question
  5. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    My post was rude. It won't happen again.
    The mod received the complaint tom and I have received a warning for insulting you. I have agreed to never do this again. It's my first warning on any of the forums I am on.

    I understand you are upset with me for questioning many of your post in the past. I question anything I feel is not correct as I did with the die marker information you posted in this thread. That must be tough to do with blurred vision.
  6. coinman0456

    coinman0456 Coin Collector

    well, lets just put this incident in a box and tape it up and put it in grandmas's closet. BTW I made no reports to any moderator of our original disagreement. I believe things like this should be settled as adults, albeit that too is scarry sometimes. No worry, i'd much rather have a start at a friendship than to have an enemy I wanted to make friends with. at least perhaps 20 years from now , you can go to that attic, pull the box out, carry it all the way downstars , open it,, your can pour two brandy's grab my picture out of that box place in in the other arm chair, sit in yours and tender a toast to me. hehe
  7. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    The two genuine pieces are the same coin.
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