Is This TPG Still In Business?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Collecting Nut, Sep 20, 2024.

  1. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    I can’t pull them up at all. Even their Facebook page is not found. I know a few threads on this TPG exist but they are older. I just happen to have these 3 coins graded by them. Not sure where I got them but the quality of the coins does not come close to the grade from my point of view. I know I didn’t pay much for them, definitely less than $5.00 but I wanted the dates and mint marks, all 2017 with P, D and S. The S is the nicest looking of all.
    AD55B312-DC9C-4ED7-9BD8-E7D62050A838.jpeg 49821354-A7B6-4BD5-AD9D-35DE5A958C73.jpeg 0945868C-A966-426A-82F0-2D05F30620E1.jpeg 4C938CB0-DE0E-4A8C-AD74-24282BCB66CA.jpeg 2B7A5D33-10E7-4175-9B70-551227E0D33A.jpeg F70A4856-F7EF-49AF-BE62-4BFEC816B6C7.jpeg
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  3. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    Basement slab, not a real TPG.
  4. russell1256

    russell1256 Well-Known Member

    spend them
    Troodon likes this.
  5. ddddd

    ddddd Member

    According to a post from @Conder101 they have been around since 2009.

    This is a basement slab like @Lon Chaney mentioned (although one can argue it is a bit above that since they technically had a website that took submissions-so it was not just slabbing their own inventory like basement slabs normally do).

    The wayback machine shows that the website has been "Under Construction" for several years. 2020 appears to be the last year that it was working and advertised taking submissions. Around 2021 is when it went to the "Under Construction" message.
  6. wxcoin

    wxcoin Getting no respect since I was a baby

    I think the IGS in their label means I Got Spots.
  7. johnmilton

    johnmilton Well-Known Member

    You can tell that their inner liners are “inert” by the spots and toning.

    Did anyone else notice the 2017-P cent was the 225 anniversary of the cent? It’s even a “One Year Issue!” WOW! How could I have missed it? :(
  8. No_Ragrets

    No_Ragrets Self-proclaimed Amateur Numismatist

    Tenth Party Grader?
    Troodon, Tall Paul and Collecting Nut like this.
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