Is this penny a mis stamp?

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by OG Style, Nov 4, 2024.

  1. OG Style

    OG Style New Member

    I got this penny and I cant tell if it's miss stamped. The missing area appears to be the same radius as a penny. What's everyone's thoughts?


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  3. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    That's not what it's called but it does appear to be a genuine clip. Slight blakesly effect seems visible.
    dwhiz likes this.
  4. Jersey magic man

    Jersey magic man Supporter! Supporter

    Also called an incomplete planchet. But clip is easier to say. It happens when the machine that stamps out the blanks goes wonky or the strip is misfed.
  5. Neal

    Neal Well-Known Member

    Nice find!
    Randy Abercrombie likes this.

    KBBPLL Well-Known Member

    Post an image of the reverse for a more accurate evaluation.
  7. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

  8. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    As mentioned before it appears to be an incomplete planchet issue. That would be a planchet error not a striking error, so calling it mis stamp is incorrect.
    SensibleSal66 and Tall Paul like this.
  9. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Looks like an Incomplete Planchet error. Yours had a curved clip as there are a few types. Here’s a few of mine.
    8DDB51E1-898E-4692-94CA-5814FF9DBADC.jpeg 4262CA15-FE3E-4C07-B184-D89A996AE792.jpeg 27E5374C-6E18-4ABB-AB80-1483AA8BB5A4.jpeg 866A67BF-1E36-4A31-9D52-852EB615B187.jpeg

    Take another cent and place it in the missing area. This one is small but you can tell if it’s real.
    lordmarcovan and SensibleSal66 like this.
  10. eddiespin

    eddiespin Fast Eddie

    It's a clipped planchet. It was like that before it was struck.
  11. OG Style

    OG Style New Member

    Here's some more pictures

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  12. OG Style

    OG Style New Member

    I knew it wasn't a mis stamp but I didn't know the correct term. It's basically a blank that was cut a 2nd time. I used to do metal stamping.
    Randy Abercrombie likes this.
  13. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Yep. Clipped (incomplete) planchet. Neat find. Not worth much, but cool, and worth a little bit more than a regular cent of that date would be, in that condition.

    @Collecting Nut - I really like that Indian cent!
    Collecting Nut and SensibleSal66 like this.
  14. eddiespin

    eddiespin Fast Eddie

    We don't collect stamps, here. :)
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  15. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Nice that such a coin has a clip. I mean it is 120 years old and I find that special.
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