Is this Chinese coin real and/or valuable?

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by King_George_Va, Nov 3, 2024.

  1. King_George_Va

    King_George_Va Active Member

    I was asked to give an opinion on this coin. I couldn't because I just di U.S. coins. Can some one tell me about this coin? Is it realm Is it valuable image000000 (17).jpg image000000 (18).jpg image000000 (17).jpg image000000 (18).jpg ?

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  3. alurid

    alurid Well-Known Member

    I do not like the look of it, the surface is grainy and looks cast to me.
    Best to take it to a coin shop or jewelers for silver content testing.
    Some google searching may provide an answer.
    Muzyck likes this.
  4. King_George_Va

    King_George_Va Active Member

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