Is this actually "damage?"

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by SuperDave, Jan 19, 2017.

  1. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    But like I said, this obv die was used in later die stages than shown on the coin in question. If the die had been damaged every coin struck after that would also show the damage and they don't.
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  3. rmpsrpms

    rmpsrpms Lincoln Maniac

    I still think this is likely a fantasy piece. The tooling is too similar in quality to the T$ I examined. There is just too much "wrong" with the coin, and every explanation defies an innocent root cause.
  4. SuperDave

    SuperDave Free the Cartwheels!

    I'll be darned. Socrates was onto something, wasn't he?
    RonSanderson likes this.
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