How? I put them up on enrollment and just got a letter telling me they won't honor my purchase which was in Feb
Whoops! I got sidetracked and forgot I had already said it, but I am so mad, it is worth repeating myself. Like I said, I did get the Gold American Liberty and I just got 2 of the silver ones.
I got the Air Force Medal and the Navy Medal. I'm waiting for the one for "Space Force." What do you think?
So far theyve done a really good job with the military medals. The Space Force hopefully stays really good like the ones so far, but without anything iconic to put on them thats the one that has a chance of being a dud.
Given the fact that all five coins from the Purple Heart Hall of Honor program are sill on "Processing," I will likely cancel them and cut back to the basics (proof sets) moving forward. That saves money and orders processing for six months with no end in sight.
Been five weeks since my last post about the Unc Negro League dollar and it still hasn't broken 8,000 In the 5 weeks it has gone from 7,688 to 7,838. Its been on sale for over 8 months now and only moved 150 coins in the last month. I'm really thinking this has a chance at setting a new low sales record. Previous low was last years Law Enforcement at 9,422. At the rate it is going I don't think it's going to sell another 1,500 by the end of the year.
That's interesting although I wouldn't be surprised to see an uptick in November and December as folks notice the low mintage. Likely an indication of the declining interest in the never-ending stream of commems. Maybe it's my own bias, but it's hard to believe this one would generate less interest than Women's Suffrage, Boys Town, and some of the other more esoteric subjects commemorated in recent years, but it has a chance.
Fair enough, and I actually own one. While culturally significant, it proved an unpopular issue, which is the term I should have used.
Just as long as you're careful to point out that it's an unpopular issue, not an unpopular subject, which might only be digging the hole deeper...
Just got pinged from my CreditCard texting that US MInt charged me. Oops, I forgot to cancel it. Oh well, I like boats anyways. I was going to buy some pedals, guess the $$ is going to silver instead.