Intermediate Quiz: What caused these marks?

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Insider, Sep 2, 2020.

  1. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    Yes, @Insider , the other forum is dead. I grew up in that forum, learned so much from so many members there, and had many great years in that forum.

    But it has been dead for several years, and I don't know of any way to revive it with the current moderation and corporate leadership (and, of course, the technology). I know you have been trying, but it's like spitting in the face of Hurricane Laura. You'll just get smacked in the face with a tree branch, and find later that it's been engraved VKB.

    I literally had a one-on-one with Mark Salzberg after one of the FUN gatherings where he pleaded and asked if I had any ideas of how to revive the forums, and I just didn't have anything for him.
    Mainebill likes this.
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  3. Insider

    Insider Talent on loan from...

    I know it has been dead since 2010 when I joined. The ONLy reason I tried NGC is on that day not much of interest was going on elsewhere. The folks on other forms said it was dead but I had an itch to scratch. Since then, I've posted a few and looked in. There is only so much time so why waste it. Once I was banned from CU, that place moved from #4 to #3.

    There are a few great members but the evolution into a mostly social aspect of the place for 3-4 posters is a definite downer.

    The place could be fixed. It would take new programming (expensive) taking the best ideas of all forums. Fortunately for NGC, it appears their other media is going gangbusters so why not turn this place into the best forum to ask questions/get answers/opinion and block the "chat." Nothing is lost when wordy posts using dollar words and off-topic highjacks are deleted until those folks get the idea.

    Now, if they just want a forum as it is now, it will stay dead.
    Mainebill and Jack D. Young like this.
  4. messydesk

    messydesk Well-Known Member

    I probably joined out of curiosity after having participated in the CU forum for a little while, but even way back then it was referred to as "Sleepy Hollow". I pop in to see if anything is going on every few months, but, yeah, it's dead.

    Overhauling their forum software several years ago hastened their demise, as it caused problems. Another thing I think was working against them was an overly partitioned group of forums. The Coin Community Forum seems to belie that, however, since it is by far the most unusable software, has too many sub-forums, and is more visually unappealing than the Special Olympics commemorative dollar and yet is somewhat busy. When I migrated VAMWorld from Wikispaces to the current platform, I wanted it to be the opposite of that -- simple and clean. Granted, the topic is already a bit narrow. VAMWorld has been busier than the NGC forums for quite some time.

    Facebook also has many groups, but it's not a great platform. Too hard to find stuff, posts are randomized, rather than shown in a predictable order, and if you start reading a post and refresh, you may never be able to find it again.

    I don't know what NGC's solution would be. They'd basically be starting over with yet another coin forum where there may not be the need for one.
    Insider likes this.
  5. messydesk

    messydesk Well-Known Member

    For a second, I thought you were referring to a specific Laura well-known to the hobby, but then I realize you meant the actual hurricane.
    Mainebill, micbraun and -jeffB like this.
  6. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    I never would've read it any other way if I hadn't seen your post.
  7. Insider

    Insider Talent on loan from...

    messydesk, posted: "I don't know what NGC's solution would be. They'd basically be starting over with yet another coin forum where there may not be the need for one.

    That's probably what happened, there is no need for an NGC chat room except to direct questions to the NGC staff.

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Even 20 years ago the NGC forum was the slowest (defined as least activity) of the numismatic forums. Yeah they had some great members, very knowledgeable and very well known members. But even back then when participants were still migrating to forums from rcc it was much like it is today - many are members of numerous forums.

    Yeah there's always some that typically participate more on one than the others. And with time they even stop participating on others and stick with one. At one time I think I probably posted on 15-20 different forums, all during the same time frame. And I was a regular on NGC and PCGS both. Personally I liked the NGC forum much more than the PCGS forum. Even if there was only a fraction of the activity the others had.

    So why was it less active than the others ? I dunno, never could put my finger on just one reason. Only thing I could ever figure was there was a multitude of reasons, one of which different people simply didn't like. And if you've got a half dozen or a dozen different reasons, and 20,30, 50 people don't like just 1 of that dozen - well the numbers add up.
  9. Insider

    Insider Talent on loan from...

    Your ears should be ringing. One of the most active posting-nothing-of-importance blowhards over there was banned from CT. Trust me, you made a great decision.
    Mainebill, Jack D. Young and Kentucky like this.
  10. Insider

    Insider Talent on loan from...

    This is the typical "look" of end-stage corrosion in a place besides the rims. When the coin is dipped, all that remains is a depressed, etched-gray, surface as in the OP. IMG_4550.JPG

    The reason the SLQ is "special" is because the marks resemble several other possibilities already mentioned above.
    expat likes this.
  11. Searcher64

    Searcher64 Member

    My be a wrapper swipe on the end a the roll when it's sealed.
  12. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    By pure coincidence I happened to look at NGC today, I have forgotten that I had even registered there.
    Totally dead.

    It can be activated, with some advertising and post some activity, GTG what ever.

    Offer some prizes for best original post, best research post, etc.
  13. Insider

    Insider Talent on loan from...

    Take away two posters and it would really be dead.
  14. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    I really, really wish someone would bam our old nemesis VKB. He's like the plague.
    Mainebill likes this.
  15. Insider

    Insider Talent on loan from...

    He knows a lot about particular things. Most of us do. That's what make the forums great. I could probably write that I have a pain in my little toe and several folks could talk about what it could be. The problem comes when folks that should keep their fingers off the keyboard much of the time continue to clutter the discussions. IMO, he happens to be one of them. The NGC site may be all he has to look for in his life each day.
    Kentucky likes this.
  16. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    Insider, I'm very curious - do you have any pictures of what late-stage PVC corrosion looks like? We always say that PVC can eat into the surface of the coin, but I'm not sure the actual results (after removing the PVC) are well known. If you have the pics, that would make an excellent new thread.
  17. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

  18. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    If he has any, I'm all for him posting some. But thing about corrosion is, unless it's a unique or unusual situation like the subject of this thread, it's usually all pretty similar. The degree will vary a good bit from coin to coin of course, but nothing that I'm aware of, or can think of right off, has any particular pattern or identifying characteristics that could be used to say it was due to this or that. And there's more things than any of us wanna count that can cause corrosion.

    And since PVC residue is completely random in its formation, and since time plays such a huge part with that particular kind of corrosion, it's pretty much gonna be all over the map with different looks.
    Kentucky likes this.
  19. Insider

    Insider Talent on loan from...

    GDJMSP, posted: "If he has any, I'm all for him posting some. But thing about corrosion is, unless it's a unique or unusual situation like the subject of this thread, it's usually all pretty similar. The degree will vary a good bit from coin to coin of course, but nothing that I'm aware of, or can think of right off, has any particular pattern or identifying characteristics that could be used to say it was due to this or that. And there's more things than any of us wanna count that can cause corrosion.

    And since PVC residue is completely random in its formation, and since time plays such a huge part with that particular kind of corrosion, it's pretty much gonna be all over the map with different looks."

    physics-fan3.14, asked: "Insider, I'm very curious - do you have any pictures of what late-stage PVC corrosion looks like? We always say that PVC can eat into the surface of the coin, but I'm not sure the actual results (after removing the PVC) are well known. If you have the pics, that would make an excellent new thread."

    I don't think PVC has much to do with the terminal, black, oxidation products resulting in my images. PVC does not seem to destroy the surfaces as deeply leaving more like a thin gray etched surface coating. I'll need to hunt up an image or take a before and after of the next coin I conserve.
  20. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    Oh, I'm not saying PVC caused the black on the coin in this thread.

    I'm offering an idea that I think would be interesting for a new thread.
  21. Insider

    Insider Talent on loan from...

    physics-fan3.14, posted: "I'm not saying PVC caused the black on the coin in this thread. I'm offering an idea that I think would be interesting for a new thread."

    I understood you perfectly. I need to find images of PVC (before and after). I have lots of "before" images of PVC.



    Attached Files:

    Pickin and Grinin likes this.
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