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Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by National dealer, Mar 28, 2004.

  1. mikenoodle

    mikenoodle The Village Idiot Supporter

    Lord Marcovan, have you ever considered adding The Coin Show ( to your list of coin blogs?
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  3. ValpoBeginner

    ValpoBeginner Well Known Supporter

    Wow Cheap slabs is really cool. There are some great deals on there. All of the sites you have listed are very informative, And I thank you for sharing!

    Personally for VAMS, I prefer; Variety Vista is also good for varieties... But I see you have that covered With CONECA.
  4. Keepright

    Keepright Member

  5. coinzip

    coinzip Well-Known Member

    Nice lists...
  6. Kara boudoin

    Kara boudoin New Member

  7. Steven Dale

    Steven Dale New Member


    This site no longer exists. you may want to remove this link from the list.

    I did find this instead: The site owner is Tony Clayton so I am guessing he moved to another service provider.

  8. Ross rehm

    Ross rehm New Member

    Cannot post on coin talk any help please I have coins I need advice with
  9. Jaybot

    Jaybot Active Member

    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  10. Davide Ivaldi

    Davide Ivaldi New Member

    Not a cherry picker, I want new coins in original mint rolls at face value...but, back in 2020 the "National Coin Shortage" was announced at my bank, and it stopped all my local banks giving collectors new, US Mint rolls, because they themselves reputedly stopped receiving them. Four years later, they still don't have them. I've contacted the US Mint, The Federal Reserve, The Bureau of Engraving, The Treasury, the Comptroller of the Currency, "and" also Brinks Inc who handles the repackaged rolls (which is all I can get from a bank these days.)

    Literally, nobody knew why it stopped and never resumed, each redirected to one of the others. It's like the movie The Forgotten (2004) where people start disappearing and nobody remembers they ever existed, except for one mother who refused to let go of her daughter's memory...

    Does ANYBODY know who can tell us if it's forever done, or if "someday" we'll pay face value again for "fresh" US-Mint rolls in original packaging?
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