Information and helpful links:

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by National dealer, Mar 28, 2004.

  1. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    any coin store that have a lot of display at midtown manhattan new york city?.
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  3. Bedo

    Bedo Junior Member

    Coininfo is a good site to get up to the minute bullion spot prices along with, updated articles and news headlines.

    MonsterCoins is a new internet auction site that only has a $5 fee to list your coins no matter if it's $50 or $5,000,000.
  4. snaz

    snaz Registry fever

    I'm not sure where Ruben is trying to lead us... But the Royal Canadian Mint website is:
  5. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    I wasn't leading anyone anywhere. I was pointing out that the link wasn't correct. Thanks for posting the correct link.

  6. Dime_a_dozen

    Dime_a_dozen Junior Member

    That was good info on the coins.
  7. Mahesh

    Mahesh Good to be here..........

  8. ryan55_pe

    ryan55_pe New Member

  9. csiebsen

    csiebsen Junior Member

  10. Rope

    Rope New Member

    wow. nice job national! this is gonna help a lot of people :thumb:
  11. Dylan3325

    Dylan3325 New Member

    Wow thanks for this forum really helpful :)
  12. Duke Kavanaugh

    Duke Kavanaugh The Big Coin Hunter

    Yep there are lots of old useful threads here.
    Just use the Search feature.
  13. Kanderus

    Kanderus Active Member

    i totally aqgree
  14. Coinman1981

    Coinman1981 Junior Member

  15. anchor1112

    anchor1112 Senior Member

    I wonder why the mint is selling presentation case without coin at $299.00 each. I called them. The clerk told me those prices were correct. Before the price is $2.99 each.
  16. anchor1112

    anchor1112 Senior Member

    Well the mint is correct on this one. The mint is selling 100 pc minimum at $2.99 each. Total $299.00. Sorry. My mistake.
  17. BioEtOH

    BioEtOH Member

    Now that is useful info - just wow ;-)
  18. Naplesjack

    Naplesjack Member

    Thanks All !! I used my "SAVE AS" pop up; labeled file as Reference Sites in Coin folder. Now I know where to goto check on all things coinage.
    One caveat, the Mint error news magazine site appears dated with the last quarterly issue posted online is 2011.
  19. EricLee

    EricLee New Member

    Hello, I'm new to Cointalk forum but I already see I've found many useful links here.

    To add something from me: - a great resource of clients reviews about coin dealers. You can place a buying request about the coin you want to purchase - and all the dealers will receive your request and send their offers to you. The website is free
  20. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Here is the "Master List of Your Favorite Coin Websites" originally posted by STONE on the Collectors Universe Forums and now maintained by MsMorrisine. Plenty of resources, dealers, etc., both for US and World coins.

    (Here, I'll see how much I can quote):

    New Redux - Master List: Your Favorite Coin Websites
    [​IMG]MsMorrisine Posts: 19,769 ✭✭✭
    October 29 edited November 19 in U.S. Coin Forum

    (note: this is the second continuation of ex-forum member Stone's old Master List)
    (the first continuation was the Master List Redux)

    This is the Current Version of the Master List for this new forum software.
    (Last Updated November 19, 2016)

    The list is divided up between Forums, Dealers, Auction websites, various Coin Grading Companies, Coin Books, Clubs, Information pages, Mints, and Other.

    I will update this thread as suggestions come in (I will try to make the list of dealers as alphabetical as possible).

    If you have any other suggestions for categories, just post them along with additional websites.

    1. PCGS Information

    2. Best of CU Forums

    3. Forums / Message Boards

    4. Dealers

    5. Dark Side / Non-U.S. Coin Dealers

    6. Supplies

    7. Auction Companies

    8. Professional Coin Grading Companies

    9. Fourth Party Evaluation Companies (sticker services)

    10. National Clubs

    11. Information / Specialty Pages

    12. Darkside Information / Specialty Pages

    13. News

    14. Coin Publications

    15. Coin Photography

    16. Microscopes for Coins

    17. Coin Book Sellers

    18. Coin Price Guides

    19. Other

    20. Coin Blogs

    21. Coin Conservation

    22. Coin Shows

    23. Online Coin Books

    24. Precious Metals / Bullion Dealers

    25. Mints

    26. Lists / Misc

    **345 Unique Links and counting...*

    (I will add that "Dark Side" is CU forum slang for World & Ancient coins, for those who did not already know or figure that out.) ~RWS/"LordM"
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2016
  21. Peter Brown

    Peter Brown New Member is a complete catalog for world coins. Full information including pictures and prices for all years, mintage, size, metal, weight, obverse and reverse descriptions and lettering. We provide our users with unique technology of automatic coin identification by photo.
    ValpoBeginner likes this.
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